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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Laraine, The main important point to note is that even if you can see certain `pointed' arrows at your main door, they may not be `pointed' arrows. Based on what you have mentioned to me, some of the objects you mentioned most likely are not `poison' arrows. This is because, when standing at the main entrance door and looking out, we can see quite a range of things. What you need to remember is that: 1. It is not a poision arrow if it is not `aimed' at your main entrance. If I am not wrong, the TV aerial on your neighours house is placed on their roof and in such a situation, unless it `bends' down and like the barrel of a gun, aims at your house, this is not a `poison' arrow. 2. A tall street light must be tangent or directly facing any part of the width of the door. If this is not so, then it does not `slice' your main door in any way. If so, this is not a poision arrow. 3. The telegraph pole must also be `slicing' your main door else it is also not considered a poision arrow. This is distinct to a corner of the house at a right angle that `slices' the door. For cures, there are several cures: 1. Use a semi-circular carpet outside the main entrance door radiating outwards from the main door. 2. Consult a FS practioner to tilt the door to an auspicious angle (if this is applicable). 3. If the main entrance is elevated, use a semi-circular steps radiating outwards from the main entrance door. 4. It is best that the main entrance door is at the `side' of the house and cannot be seen directly from the main gate of the house. If so, do close the main entrance gate when not in use. 5. Other cures if such poison arrows are pointed towards the windows is to use a thicker curtain or use a Hong Kong cure such as is fish tank. (I usually do not recommend it unless you personally know your element and its strenght. Water is `harmful' to a person with weak fire or strong water element. For a weak fire person, it may inadvertently extinguish the person's weak fire. For a strong water person, too much "water" is no good. 6. In Asia, it is common to use the Ba Gua mirror hanged above the main entrance door to ward of poision arrows. 7. Other more offensive cures include the use of a "toy" cannon placed at the window and aimed at an `offending' sha. This is only used if the poison arrow is `huge' e.g. the corner of a building at a angle aimed at e.g. the window. My advise is not to use this especially if the building is of "reflective" glass as it can bounce back the sha. This is a lose-lose situation. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Ang, If one is using the Eight House theory, you should also consider what is the intangible force at the bedroom location. If the bedroom is an auspcious location, at least, this can in some ways `compensate' to a certain extend the death or disaster falling at the main entrance. If the death or disaster is at the main entrance, this implies that the house is not considered suitable for you. In general, you should not let the door open all the time. Only when you need to use the door, then you open it else, preferrably it should be closed. Do keep the location bright e.g. using neutral wall colours like `white'. These are the two things which you could do. Otherwise, there is nothing much you can do under the Eight House Theory. It is really meant to pinpoint whether the house is suitable for you or where is your best facing direction. Normally, other Feng Shui theories are used inconjunction with the Eight House. Such as the Flying Star theory is used to assess the birth chart of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Shawn, The first priority under the Eight House Theory is to try to sleep close to an auspicious intangible force if you can. For example if the intangible force in the sector of the bed for the Husband is his Prosperity sector and for the wife, her Irritation sector, in such a situation, the Husband sleeps closer to the intangible force location. He therefore, sleeps closer to this intangible line. While the wife sleeps further away i.e. using him as a `shield'. Only after the considering the above and if you have the luxury, sleep with the head facing a good direction (if you can). If this cannot be done, than priority should be given to the above. Sleeping with the head facing a good direction is thus considered `nice' to have but not a real necessity. I hope u know what I mean. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Hi, There are a few `variables' with regards to the placement of the `White Tiger picture". 1. Some Feng Shui practioners say that it is generally auspicious to place a White Tiger picture at the West Wall if this is your inauspicious location e.g. under the Eight House. 2. In most books, the Chinese are " afraid " or scared to see a real White Tiger is they believe that it will bring them bad luck. This has correlation to their understanding that it is very unlucky to give birth to a child especially a girl born in the " Tiger " year. For example, under this URL: http://www.geomancy.net/love/amenu1.htm I have this short write up of " The Gate of Hope, Singapore " (Formerly Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus - C.H.IJ.) with a sad tale:- (The url shows the actual picture of the gate which is still standing) At the above (green coloured) gate of the former Convent of The Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ), many babies were abandoned in baskets to be picked up by the Sisters of the Convent. This was the origin of the Home for Abandoned Babies. For over 100 years, the orphanage was home to children from poor or broken homes as well as unwanted babies. The orphanage took in many Chinese baby girls born in the year of the tiger - " tiger girls " because of the strong superstitious belief that they would bring bad luck to their families. In 1963, the Mother Superior noted that this practice was stopped as there was a marked change in this supersitious belief. The Home of Abandoned Babies ceased finally in 1983 when the CHIJ Convent was relocated. 3. In story, in a legend, a tiger at 500 years had its fur turned to `white'. This tiger is said to be the `guardian' at the West or one of the Four Symbolic Animals. 4. In my opinion, it is acceptable to keep the `White tiger' so long as its face does not signify that it is hungry, ferocious or have an opened mouth. This is particularly bad if it faces the main entrance door. Where possible, I don't know if a tiger has a " happy face " erh.. hard to tell but generally, such objects should either be of a happy face or paintings or caligraphy such as auspicious Chinese characters are a much better choice. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear James, There are several factors with regards to a garage above the master bedroom: 1. The height of the garage in relation to the Master bedroom. Higher the better. 2. Nowadays, this is ranked low when compared to a house that meets proper Feng Shui concepts such as the Four Symbolic Animal Theory where the back of the house should have a solid backing and the front - clear space etc... What is also more important is the position of the toilet e.g. it should not be above the main entrace, or next to the main entrance. 3. After reading the above, a garage below a bedroom is thus of `low' priority. Why some FS books or authors say that it is inauspicious to have a garage below a bedroom: A. Some practioners or authors feel that a vehicle represents the Metal Element and if your house has a sizable chunk of Metal element especially below the bedroom, they feel that this is " bad ". But currently, under recent developments, if one reasons correctly, it really has no impact on someone staying above it. This is not like a masterbedroom having a toilet above it. (Which is worse!) B. Another argument is that there may be a `remote' situation where the car catches fire. But looking at it this is equally remote. Unless, someone `blows' up the car on purpose and if by any chance the flames can move upwards and let the bedroom catch fire. Again this is very remote and highly unlikely. We can therefore, add the arguement that having a bedroom above the kitchen is still acceptable. For example, if the bedroom is an auspicious location for a family member, I personally do not see the reason why the person should not sleep in the bedroom above the kitchen. In light of the above arguements, in my opinion, the above situations are the `least' of your worries if any. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Fraser, The consensus amongst Feng Shui practioners is that there is no changes to the practise of Feng Shui in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. No one has thus far provided a valid and substantiated arguement to show that Feng Shui is practised differently in the Southern Hemisphere. Many who mentioned this may have a hidden agenda or some choose to "seek fame" in coming up with such an arguement. So far, these are not proven and majority to mentioned, I believe did not do any indept analysis. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Hi, A clock represents activity. If your kitchen is at the centre of the house: 1. Ideally, try to keep the centre-point of the house clear. This is because this is the location where all the intangible force merge or congregate. Best to keep this location neutral e.g no stove, water element etc... 2. Usually a pendulum clock is symbolic of the metal element especially the `metallic ticking sound'. Here a pendulum clock is akin to elements like a wind chime to enhance " the metal element ". 3. For a regular clock, it generally signify activity and the best locations are next to a TV set. A TV set also is considered an `activity'. 4. For a wall clock, avoid hanging it above a door e.g. the door above the kitchen or any other doors in the home. 5. Otherwise, it is acceptable to hang the wall clock above a wall at the dinning room. A location which you `feel' that is `useful' i.e. a practical location where you can check the time easily in the home. No point placing the wall clock at a location that is seldom seen. Here, we have to be practical to our daily needs. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Hi, Thanks for your posting. I glad to be able to share real life information especially my former grandfather's home. Both my grandfather's home and the next door neighbour which also followed suite by knocking off the `head' of the house. I have not sure if you have seen the pictures of an old refurbished bungalow house but this house has distinct Feng Shui features e.g. water position at the north, a study room at the south. (The roof is pointed representing fire)... URL: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/photo1.htm Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Hi, I do aim to write a book of cures for apartments. However, this would have to coincide with a busy schedule. In fact, there is much to do and am now drawing a schedule for the next year listing the priorities and target setting. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Hi, So far there is no evidence to say that a ceiling fan or light bulb is bad. One reason is because most ceiling fan or light bulb do not have `poison arrows'. Therefore in my personal opinion, both are generally ok. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Hi, Thanks Glyn for sending me a private mail to inform me that the Keiloon is similar to a Fu Fu Dog. This morning before going to work, I passed thru the memorial for Lim Bo Seng, a celebrated World War II hero of Singapore. The memorial had the Keiloon facing different `compass' directions guarding it. I have seen the similar Keiloon at my grandfather's grave ie. guarding his grave on both sides. The Keiloon figurine is not Feng Shui but more of Chinese customs. In my personal opinion, it would be better for this `creature' to guard a Yin location e.g. grave , memorial site rather than a home or office. The more common figurines to use at home is the Fu Fu dog on both sides of the pillars on both sides of the gate. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Hi, You can still use your backdoor. However, in Feng Shui, the frontage is equally important in the assessment of the house. The frontage is where this is generally the front of the house. The main door may not be at the front of the house. It can be at the side. The analysis here is to go into the home to see the natural lighting conditions. It would be ideal if natural light filters into the house. The house should thus not be totally dark all the time. (What I mean is that during day light hours, it should have some light going into the house. Many people in Singapore who live in " Government Housing Board Flats " would realise this: Light filters in most of the time from their windows rather than from the main door. Here, some Feng Shui Masters may at times consider the window area/wall e.g. the living room area as the `main entrance' where Qi comes in rather than the main door. Here, it is good to understand the above. This is where, one advise is to have alternat e or diagonal windows opened so that Qi do not flow in and immediately exit out thru the kitchen windows but rather allow it to meander or circulate in the house. For Feng Shui audits, it is normally the tradition to still consider the actual main entrance door when e.g. using the Flying Star analysis. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Hi, I guess there would be an effect from these features especially in the construction of the `bulding' and the elements that go into them e.g. metal wheel etc... 1. Most of the time, these objects are far away from city areas or homes. 2. So far, I cannot recall any books on such features in Chinese books or no reference on them. For now, I am unable to comment on this subject matter. Perhaps, if I do come across any or users who are Dutch may like to share their experiences. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Randy, I just came across this message under the conference: Like to share your Experiences (in this forum): ---- cut and pasted message--- Dear forum members, I would like to share my feng shui nightmare with you. Since I want to warn other members not to install water features with out first doing a pillar of destiny chart and flying star chart. Last year I installed a water fountain outside my house and installed a fish tank inside and lots of other cures on the advise of the BTB feng shui consultant. And need less to say it was disastrous. I lost my job got involved in a accident and developed severe health problems and financial problems. So instead of removing few minor problems which I was facing at that time it created enormous problems for me. But luckily, I came across this site and did a pillar of destiny and flying star report. And found out that I was incompatible with water and removed all the cures(including fountain and fish tank) after consulting with robert lee. And I was told that all my problems were due to the excess of water and those extra cures which I did not need. And things are improving for me. My health is 80% better. So I think feng shui works if done correctly. Hope my experience will help other readers and hope they would not hire a BTB consultant and would not install any water feature or make any drastic changes in their office or home environment before consulting a proper traditional feng shui master or if they are interested it doing feng shui by themselves then they should do a proper pillar of destiny and flying star report and consult with robert lee or cecil lee.
  15. Dear Joe, Thanks for your comments. So far, other than hiring a good consultant, one do not need to spend more money than is necessary especially in a home environment. As you also mentioned, we should go down to the basics of Feng Shui and always have an inquiring or questioning "mind". It is good always to ask questions what and why do a practioner say this or that. Ask for an explanation. And make your own personal judgements. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Glyn, Glad to hear from you on actual happenings in Perth. Just to share with everyone: Currently a few users have used the " Anonymous " feature when sending mails in this forum. Here are the plus and minus points of sending mails Anonymously: 1. It is ok if you are sending many individual questions on each specific topics as the message will not be sent out thru the mailing list unless it has been replied. This is ok as, many users will then be able to read only the replies rather than the question first. 2. If any users do see " Anonymous ", it does not imply that it is only one person who sent it. As the adminstrator of this forum, I am able to see who sent the message. Unlike all of you reading it. 3. We will continue to have the " Anonymous " feature (although) it can be disabled. 4. It would be `friendly' if you have only one or two questions each session to use your `real name' as registered with this forum. It would be nice to reply to a " face " than to an unknown (for many users reading it). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Hi, As mentioned in a recent message, Chinese Astrology uses only the Year of birth of a person. Chinese Astrology based on just the Year of Birth although do give a general `profile' is less accurate than analysing `clashes' undertaken by the powerful Pillars of Destiny which analyses not only the year of birth but, month, day and if possible also the time element. A `small' horse figurine in the south should not pose any problem even if you are a mouse/rat unless, it is a warrior riding the horse with weapons such as a spear, or gun etc.. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Elizabeth, In a classroom, priority should be given to the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui: 1. Usually a classroom is rectangular in shape. 2. Normally one side of the classroom has windows. The opposite side usually are the entry and exit points. 3. If the classrooms are airconditioned and there are blinds at the windows, it would still be best to arrange the tables tangent to the windows so as to avoid glare. If we use the above `formula', there is really not much we can change the placings of the tables (other than to avoid glare). The traditional placement of tables in uniform rows and columns is still the preferred method. As a teacher, one would have to sit facing the students and usually one cannot control the direction that you sit. For the classroom, it is good to display e.g. art work or asignments of students done on the display boards in the classroom to create a more yang environment for the students. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Marc, It is usually ok to have the kitchen with the open concept in modern times. If you had consulted a true traditional Master of the past, they may not approve of it. However, so long as there is `symbolism' e.g. as you mentioned a divider such as a serving counter. This is alreay symbolic of a kitchen environment. In the past, the kitchen can be quite dirty especially if one uses charcoal stoves etc... Nowadays, we have to be practical especially with modern equipment such as air ventilators above the stove; the use of microwave ovens. A conscious effect to use less oil in the kitchen. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Hi, This is an interesting question. I guess this is not based on Feng Shui but as you have mentioned many single portaits do use women as they are more `graceful' and since most of these vases are delicate, a portait of a women would be nice. The above is not my believes but a comment on your statement based on quite alot of vases and even hand painted plates I also own. I for one do not want to be labelled a Male C. Pig. However, I do have large vases at home that do have male figurines e.g. the legend of the Eight Immortals where pictures were drawn on the vase with them crossing the sea. These Eight Immortals have both a mix of male and female figurines. So, it may not be entirely true that all vases or figurines are of the female gender. I do have a collection of Chinese Antiques such as the famous " Four Scholars (male) ", the 9 sages etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Randy, There are two ways one can take with regards to deciding on whether to build a water fountain: 1. One way is go with your feelings and in general, a single fountain outside the house is generally acceptable. 2. For a more exact `science' of Feng Shui, if you do know your element and strength, it is best that one is a weak fire or strong water person to avoid having water in their life. Another analysis is to look at all the components in your Pillars of Destiny chart. Early this year, this person had 6 water elements out of 8 in her Pillars of Destiny Chart. This is really too much water and in such a situation, I seriously would advise the person not to have too much water positions. I really do not know your purpose of having a few water positions both inside and outside your house. I hope that you do not do it as a result of reading books that say water is good for you. For example, what is your purpose for hanging a water picture at the North wall? It is always wise not to overdo Feng Shui. If you really must, I would suggest at least one one's lead time between making all these changes at one go. You can if you like, place the fountain and if you are only using your feelings or doing trial and error Feng Shui, do not add other enhancements or made changes for around a month. " If nothing " happens, it would be ok. (Under Trial and Error FS). My advise is usually as far as possible to avoid Trial and Error FS if you can but in reality, I have to concede that some of us do it. Well.. good luck:) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Hi, The `secret' ingredient for Garden Feng Shui is always -> Plants/Trees. This is because with surrouding Plants/Trees, you get birds coming to the house. It is good to have birds around the house and this is considered auspicious. In general, it is equally good to have a bird feeder so long as: 1. It is not of an " odd " shaped that may represent a `monster', or any unknown figurine. 2. It does not have pointed arrows that point towards the main entrance door or a window of the house. 3. Any objects or figurines with open mouth pointing towards the house. I remembered reading one of Evelyn Lips book where there was this "frog" with an open mouth facing a rich man's house. There were lots of problems he faced and it was only discovered late when a Feng Shui Master checked the surrounding during low tide and found the shape of a frog facing the house. By then it was already too late, if I am not mistaken death, etc... The remedy was to place an object in the mouth to `satisfy' the frog e.g. symbolic of food in it's mouth. Here, you will understand that symbolism in Feng Shui is important as shown by many earlier examples. Thanks. Cecil
  23. Hi, This is because, the stove is a very important part of the home. If you reason it this way, one should not have the stove in an inauspicious location. One cannot burn away `auspcious' or inauspcious luck by turning on the stove but rather, since it plays an important part of the home, one should have it at a good location. It is a tradition to try to have the stove at an auspicious location for the spouse and best that it suits her `Ba Zhi'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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