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Posts posted by fufu_88_99

  1. can you briefly describe the theory. To me
    it sounds like something to do with physics.
    Any way you can try www.pbs.org. And may be
    if you provide a little more info somebody
    may be able to help you. Good luck!

  2. Dear robert,
    Read the case study of Bill Gates. Found it
    I was wondering if you can do a case study
    of Hillary Rod ham Clinton and predict her
    political career after she leaves the White House and can you predict something about her marriage also from her pillar of destiny chart. Since it would be interesting to see
    how accurate the predictions are for future. Thanks

  3. I attended a seminar on baubiology. They offer a course in baubiology from florida.
    Usually, it is german concept of building homes which are in harmony with nature and
    also environmentally safe. They stress avoiding the water lines and electromagnetic
    lines and electric lines. According to their
    theory the houses should be built with environmental sound material. One should not sleep with telephones, electric clocks, tv
    and computer in the bedrooms etc. I attended
    the seminar last year. If I come across the
    notes and address of that course. I will post
    it. Usually, in this city there are some
    baubiology trained inspectors who come and
    inspect your homes for harmful radiation,
    radon gases, water lines and electric emmission in the homes.

  4. Dear cecil,
    I have been collecting dragons, phoenix and
    turtle and other deco stuff for more than 10
    years. Now I am worried since I read your
    advise on the forum regarding the open mouth.
    My turtle and frogs and one dragon have open mouth but with a coin in their mouth.
    But I have another beautiful dragon it has a
    small crystal on its tail but its mouth is open. Is it bad. I have another pair of dragon and phoenix both face each other with
    open mouth with a crystal in the middle.
    I got it as a wedding present and I keep it
    in my bedroom. Since I was told that it is a
    symbol of conjugal bliss. What should I do
    should I put a coin in there mouth or I should not display them. Your advise will be
    very much appreciated. Thanks

  5. Dear cecil and robert,
    My altar faces the wall which is kitchen wall
    i.eg the kitchen is on the other side. Is it
    And I have a cabinet with the "Laughing Buddha" with kitchen wall behind it. I needed to know if its alright since I read on the
    previous posting that it should not face a kitchen door. So confused about the wall.
    I needed to know it is not good to keep any
    good luck fingerings in the bedroom. My living
    room faces the bedroom wall so is it ok for me to keep the statues facing the bedroom wall. Thanks.

  6. Any body interested in learning how numbers
    fly can try the book called "The idiots complete guide to feng shui". But please don't
    apply the remedy given in that book since it
    takes in to consideration the water star and
    mountain star and it is based on the facing
    and sitting direction of the house. And does not base calculation on the location of main door.

  7. Dear cecil,
    The chinese numerology by lillian too is not
    available here. But there is another book
    called Feng Shui The Ancient Wisdom of Harmonious Living for Modern Times By author EVA WONG. What are your views on this book. Since I am new to feng shui. I would
    like to be sure that it is a good book before
    buying it. Thanks.

  8. Hi cecil,
    I read in one of your responses the breaking of a wall, fixing the roof and painting the ceilings of whole houses changes the birth date of the house.
    My grandfather gets his whole house painted
    inside out. Every door, ceiling, I mean everything just before the festival of light
    every year to welcome the new year. My question is does that mean the birth date of
    his houses changes every year.

  9. I read the book called Creating scared space
    with feng shui by Karen Kingston. And I am
    pretty confused by it. Since feng shui is new
    to me. She mentions that to clear the previous energy of the building or residence one should clap in a specific style and spread salt and ring bell etc. Is it part
    of the feng shui. What is this concept of stale energy. Does it really work.

  10. Hi cecil,
    In the flying star report. It just mentions
    the element. But does not mention how many or location but it does mention the sector.
    So if it says wood. Does that mean plant or you can use wooden furniture, silk flower(any color), wooden sculpture, wooden frame picture or just painting the wall green.
    Earth - Ceramic, Earth pottery, yellow furnishings crystals statues and sand, pictures of mountains, yellow flower
    Fire candles , lamps, red or purple furnishings, red pictures , pictures of birds, red flower and purple flower
    Water - fish tanks, water urns, fountains,
    pictures with black and blue theme and furnishing of black and blue color, blue flowers
    metal - metal frames, petal pots, metal sculpture, silver silverware, white furnishings and white flowers and metal coins.

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