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  1. Hello Master Cecil, If I stand in front of my Front door facing the street, the compass shows 88 deg, E2 If I stand in the middle of the house with the compass pointing at the center of the front door, it shows 59 deg, NE3 What is my house direction? E2 or NE3? Thank you so much
  2. Is the concept of Feng Shui applicable to rental properties? Dear Cecil, This house that I'm very interested in buying as a rental property, is in a great location and the price is right. What has been keeping me from making an offer is that this house faces North which is my "Disaster" direction. I'm also a Strong Water. I would never buy a North facing house to live in, but will I get BAD luck if I buy it to rent out to other people? Thank you! Hoa
  3. Dear Cecil, I'm bidding for a house that was originally built in 1940. However, this house was just recently renovated from top to bottom. The original house was completely gutted inside. All the walls, windows, doors, kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms are completely newly built. In fact the inside looks like a new, modern house. Does this renovation constitutes a change to period 8? Thank you as always, Hoa
  4. The Back of this house, I'm thinking about bidding for, faces a T-Junction. Is that BAD?
  5. The Front of this house, I'm thinking about bidding for, faces North (where the garage and driveway face the street). However, the front door is placed on the West side of the house. So is this house a West house or North house?
  6. Dear Cecil, The flying star chart for the North Sector of my E1, period 7 house is 5 (Mountain) vs 1 (Water). Base star is 3. I know I should avoid bright yellow and green because of 5 and 3. What about a Black Lacquer Screen in this sector, is it ok? Thank you, Hoa
  7. Hello Cecil, Which one of the following will work as Metal cure? 1) I glue 6 coins onto a piece of RED paper 2) I tie the 6 coins together with a red string, and then tie the top string and bottom string together to turn the 6-coin string into a circle? 3) I tie the 6 coins together with a long red string (and leave the top string and the bottom string as-is) Thank you as always, Hoa
  8. Hello Cecil, If I stand behind the front door of my new house (period 7, 1995) with the compass in my palm facing the door, the compass reading is 78 deg (E1). However, if I stand in the CENTER of the house with the compass in my palm facing the front door, it reads 56 deg (NE3). Which is the direction of my front door, E1 or NE3?
  9. Dear Cecil, I always thought my house direction is SW2 because the whole frontage of my house faces SW2. If I stand in front of my front door or stand behind the front door with a compass, the direction is also SW2. But then I came across your answer to a question that asked you how to determine the direction of a house. Your answer was to stand in the center of the house with a compass aiming the center for the front door. if I do that my house direction is S2. So is my house S2 or SW2?
  10. Dear Cecil, Will painting the walls of a sector, that requires metal cure, WHITE be sufficient?
  11. 1) I just bought a Period 7 house with the E1 frontage. According to P7 house's Flying Star for the E1 sector, the MS is 7, WS is 3, your #1 proposed solution is "Make use of Fire to destroy and control Metal". The Base star is 5, year star is 4, your #2 proposed solution is "Make use of Metal to destroy and control Wood". This house has two Front doors. The Main Front door (made of wood) has a light brown color. Right outside of the Main Front door is a White aluminum Storm door. Since the Storm door is already white, I was going to repaint the Main Front door Red to respond to your #1 proposed solution. On second thought, won't Fire (Red) make the #5 base star (=sickness) Worse? Please advice what color I should paint the Main Front door. I'm attaching a picture of this house with the white storm door. You will see the Main Front Door when you open the white storm door. 2) On the side of the house is a Public Walkway which is not part of the house's property. Under this walkway is the water drainage for the street. Is this BAD fengshui? I'm attaching two pictures here.
  12. So what do you mean when you said "Make use of Fire to control Metal" and "Make use of Metal to control Wood" in your Flying Star charts?
  13. Dear Cecil, According to the Flying Star for the East frontage house, you have two proposed solutions: 1) Make use of Fire to destroy and control Metal (this means I should paint my front door RED) 2) Make use of Metal to destroy and control Wood (this means I should paint my front door WHITE) So what color should I paint my front door? Red or White? (FYI, I'm a Strong Water, and I have Zero Fire in my element chart. So probably Red is a better choice. What do you think? Many THANKS in advance to you. Hoa
  14. Dear Cecil, This house faces big mountains in the front, and backs to a big lake in the back. Is this considered "bad" feng shui? Thank you as always, Hoa
  15. The 2 garage doors and driveway of this house face NE and the main street. However, the main entrance (front door) is on the side of the building, and faces S. Which is the direction of this house, NE or S?
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