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Can or Cannot Buy: Off-Site Audit (Singapore / International)

From 128.00 USD
NOTE: This package is not eligible for any further discount / discount coupons (if on offer).
What information is required for an International Feng Shui Audit and for the Can or Cannot Buy a house review?
[1.] Please fill the International Home Audit form:-
haform.doc 6.68 MB · 1 download 
haform.pdf 262.16 kB · 1 download   
[2.] The 1st Profile is the details of the breadwinner:-

Note: Hour of birth CAN be Optional. 
[3.] Past and Future Renovations is required:-

[4.] Screen capture a google satellite map similar to the following illustration:-
4.1 For example, house to be reviewed is marked by a red "X" as shown, here:-

4.2 I would then be able to use a protractor and confirm the compass reading.
4.3. For example, this house clearly shows the driveway from the main road towards the home.
4.4. The frontage of this house can be determined as 190 degrees. 

[5.] Checklist of other documents:-

  Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / support@geomancy.net

  • Total Number of Unit/House to Review

About Can or Cannot Buy: Off-Site Audit (Singapore / International)

NOTE: This package is not eligible for any further discount / discount coupons (if on offer).
What information is required for an International Feng Shui Audit and for the Can or Cannot Buy a house review?

[1.] Please fill the International Home Audit form:-

haform.doc 6.68 MB · 1 download 


haform.pdf 262.16 kB · 1 download   

[2.] The 1st Profile is the details of the breadwinner:-


Note: Hour of birth CAN be Optional. 

[3.] Past and Future Renovations is required:-


[4.] Screen capture a google satellite map similar to the following illustration:-

4.1 For example, house to be reviewed is marked by a red "X" as shown, here:-


4.2 I would then be able to use a protractor and confirm the compass reading.

4.3. For example, this house clearly shows the driveway from the main road towards the home.

4.4. The frontage of this house can be determined as 190 degrees. 


[5.] Checklist of other documents:-



 WHATSAPPx.gif.933b1f171b62310142ae17b5501fc685.gif Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / support@geomancy.net


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