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How many baguas can I use per one house?


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I'm just wondering how many bagua mirrors can I use for one house?Does this depend on how manny "poison arrows" point at our house or one is sufficient enough?

Where do I put the bagua? above the main or directly point at the "poinson arrow"? for example, if I can see a "poinson arrow" from my window, should I put one convex bagua there?

Should I use flat bagua + convex bagua together to make sure? Is there any different between flat one and convex one?

I tried to look through the galery link about mirrors but seems like broken.

Best regards,

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1. Please click this link for resources on the Ba Gua mirror and the different types of it:-


2. Never place a ba gua mirror inside a home. It has to face outwards of a home.

3. The above link will show the differences between a concave, convex and a flat mirror type of ba gua.

4. Usually, ba gua mirror is placed at "openings" facing a poison arrow or threat (sharp corner of another building or a lamp post slicing towards the main door or a window).

5. The bagua mirror in the middle is either flat, concave or convex. There is no combination of flat mirror and convex mirror - none in the market. Unless you are referring to flat as in the outer-ring shows the eight trigrams and say a convex mirror.

6. In general, a flat mirror with the eight trigram design is meant to "scare away evil spirits".

7. The convex + eight trigrams on the ba gua is meant for both para 6 and to deflect poison arrow.

8. While the concave mirror is meant to "suck" wealth e.g. placed at a missing corner area.

9. No house place so many ba gua mirrors. Else we call this a mad-person's house. In Hokkien is "SIAO LAH!". (Mad - exclamation mark)

I tried to look through the galery link about mirrors but seems like broken.

As we have too many resources, can e-mail me at support@geomancy.net the link that you found broken? Thanks in advance!


Fengshui C. wrote:

I'm just wondering how many bagua mirrors can I use for one house?Does this depend on how manny "poison arrows" point at our house or one is sufficient enough?

Where do I put the bagua? above the main or directly point at the "poinson arrow"? for example, if I can see a "poinson arrow" from my window, should I put one convex bagua there?

Should I use flat bagua + convex bagua together to make sure? Is there any different between flat one and convex one?

I tried to look through the galery link about mirrors but seems like broken.

Best regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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