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Clarifications on paid report


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Dear Cecil,

Thanks for your very prompt and professional evaluation and advice. We are very impressed with the report that you have done for us. It's definitely going to be very useful to our whole family.

I have a few questions regarding the report. Hope you can enlighten me as I have very limited feng shui knowledge.

1) Best bed head directions - thre were 3 bed-head directions highlighted in blue. I also saw the comments "All including Jodi". Does that mean all the 3 bed-head directions are suitable for all the family members? Or is it only the bed-head facing east is good for Jodi but not the other two (i.e. facing north and south).

2) In the respective room areas, you have indicated some comments. For eg. "NW Dining Room Area/ Entrance Area, Best Elements : 1. metal (white or light pastel colours, 2. water (blue, black or grey), 3. Wood (green or brown)............" How do I interpret this piece of information? Does that mean that we can choose any colour (to paint the wall or colour of accessories) as long as weto avoid the colours that are not favourable to us?

3) On the Summarized Chart for a Group:

a) when you mention that sector cureis fire, what does that mean?How do we apply such cure? Can you give us an example?

b)Year 1...9 : Does Year 1 mean 2009?

4) Personal Analysis

a) How do I interpret the information: eg. [2005-2014] =

10-yearly big luck against you, [2005-2009] -
5-yearly medium wealth luck with you, [2010-2014] =
5- yearly medium wealth luck with you. Is there a contrast here?

5) Binding Element Analysis: How do I apply the binding element? Eg. between myself and my husband - the binding element is fire and water. Can you give us some examples of such applications?


Your satisfied customer,

Mrs Sham

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Q: 1) Best bed head directions - thre were 3 bed-head directions highlighted in blue. I also saw the comments "All including Jodi". Does that mean all the 3 bed-head directions are suitable for all the family members? Or is it only the bed-head facing east is good for Jodi but not the other two (i.e. facing north and south).

A1: So happens that all your family members belong to the East group. And the 3 bed-head directions equally applies to all of your family members.

If you look at the extreme left charts, I had placed numbers to the study/work tables because, it is much easier to arrange the study/tables.

But I did not indicate any numbers to the bed-head. This is because often a bedroomhas limited placement possibilities. For example,any bedroom would have a bedroom door, and for condos, usually no one wantsto change the wardrope area and the windows.

Thus the bed-head directions are nice-to-have and not a must have. And in the layout illustration, it so happens thatin all three bedrooms,the bed-head can follow one of the three directions. (nice-to-do so).

Q2) In the respective room areas, you have indicated some comments. For eg. "NW Dining Room Area/ Entrance Area, Best Elements : 1. metal (white or light pastel colours, 2. water (blue, black or grey), 3. Wood (green or brown)............" How do I interpret this piece of information? Does that mean that we can choose any colour (to paint the wall or colour of accessories) as long as weto avoid the colours that are not favourable to us?

A2. Actually, the scope of work was suppose to be just "Can or cannot buy" but, as always, I have tried to value add by indicating good colours. These colours are harmonised to that specific room or hall or area. For bedrooms, it can be colours for the curtains and bedsheets and even wall colours.

We human beings have our birth-chart. The home also has it's own birth-chart. Therefore, those colours to avoid usually are a warning that some colours eg. Bright Yellow should not be used especially at locations that have #5 (circled). The circles have flying star numbers. And Flying Star is used to check how good the home is and what pitfalls are there. And one way is to avoid certain colours. For example, with #5 at the NW living room, it is best to avoid say one of the colours: Bright Yellow.

Q3) On the Summarized Chart for a Group:

a) when you mention that sector cureis fire, what does that mean?How do we apply such cure? Can you give us an example?

b)Year 1...9 : Does Year 1 mean 2009?

A3 The summarised chart has a hyper-link that says that it is a reference report - or a worksheet. With an audit trail of key concepts like the Eight House (all the personal best directions such as Excellent, prosperity .... etc..)

Another chart with 1 to 9 is based on the "professional" Feng Shui Flying Star chart ... it is technical. Thus... when someone employs us to analyse a home, we also use this to plot the "birth-chart" of a home.

Thus, as you can see from your layout plan - illustration with comments all over e.g. from Para 1 to 9. in your report, I have already made the comments to plain readible English instead of many of the unfriendly Feng Shui terms. However, for some people who has some understanding of Flying Star Feng Shui can use it to better understand the situation as well as it serves as an audit trail.

Hope you understand that finding out what 1 to 9 means - is not covered in a Can or cannot buy review or any Feng Shui audit. If one is interested in what they are, how, to use it, one has to learn or find ways to learn about it.

Q4) Personal Analysis

a) How do I interpret the information: eg. [2005-2014] =

10-yearly big luck against you, [2005-2009] -
5-yearly medium wealth luck with you, [2010-2014] =
5- yearly medium wealth luck with you. Is there a contrast here?

A4. As I mentioned, earlier, this is a reference report (used more as a work-sheet) and a quick guide to myself and my colleague Robert Lee. There is such thing as a full Ba Zi report that is much easier to understand. Hope you understand that "Can or cannot buy service" is not related to this area. As this has more to do with ba zi, and ba zi analysis. Thus we won't expect you to go indepth into it.

In a full ba zi report, luck is broken down into 10 year range, 5 year range and 6 monthly. Thus in a moving average of 10 year luck range, it is further divided into 2 x 5 years. And for example although the average for the overall 10 years may be not so good e.g. 2005 to 2014 = 10 years. BUT within this range, there are 2 x 5 years thus in 2005 to 2009 which is one half of the 10 years,this period can begoodfor a person, while the next 2010 to 2014 may be inauspicious period.

Q5) Binding Element Analysis: How do I apply the binding element? Eg. between myself and my husband - the binding element is fire and water. Can you give us some examples of such applications

A5. Again this is usually not covered within the "Can or cannot buy a home". It is used more later on, should one be taking up, say a full Feng Shui audit of a home. In a very rough example, at common areas, if a water wealth location can be found, then a water position can be used to activate the water wealth. And fire can also include things like a light, or colours associated with Red, pink or purple.

Thus, all effort is taken to ensure that you have a comprensive report with comments, illustrations : which often includes advice, warnings and best directions, best bedrooms, best work/study directions etc... As far as I can, have tried to apply most of the best practises to come up with terms that a layman can understand.

Feel free to call me at HP: (065) 97853171 if you have further clarifications.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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