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Combination of 10


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Dear Master Cecil,

I am trying to get a better understanding on the combination of 10. I've read somewhere that a P8 home facing SW1 or NE1 would have to be a perfect rectangle or square and all 9 places present for this auspiciousness to take place. What other conditions must be met in order for this auspicious chart to occur--say a 1 story home vs. 2 story home? Once a combination of 10 home is achieved, does this make all 9 sectors of the home auspicious or is there still 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable sectors based on flying stars, despite being a combination of 10? Could you give an example using this scenario: Breadwinner and spouse are both Kua 7 and their daughter is a Kua 3. Home is facing SW1 or NE1 during P8? Does location and direction of main door, kitchen and bedrooms still matter based on breadwinner's Kua number in a combination of 10 home? What if someone has a combination of 10 home that is 1 story and the center has an open courtyard? Would this still make the home a combination of 10?

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1. In general, the main key success factor of a home that wants to tap the sum-of-ten should have as rectangular or squarish home as possible.

2. Under Para 1, the best case senario is a helicopter view where the entire outline of the home is rectangular and squarish. Thus, in essence, the 9 sectors can be "magnified" by this sum-of-ten for all 9 sectors.

3. Another key success is to have as much open space as possible within the 4 walls of the home.

4. Thus, from the above, the key success has more to do with macro Feng Shui then micro Feng Shui. Thus, be it a 1 level (storey) or 2 storey home, the best senario is still Para 1 (full stop).

5. The above is the key essence of the idea (bigger picture)behind the sum-of-ten. Anything else is a plus point (the interior).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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