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Star 8 coming into where natal 5 yellow is


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Could you please advice me as i have natalchart witha #5 mountain and #2 water stars with #8 base in the center palace, but now the # 8 is flying in and i want its benefits but i cannot use metal which i have plenty there for the natal 5 and 2 stars. so what could i do? its also a Parent String House.

Thank you

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  • Staff

These are some considerations:

1. If a sector also has good qi especially those coming in thru a window, good to open such windows to allow qi to flow into the home and when doing so, it does help the centrepoint.

2. Usually after heavy down-pour; good to regularly air the entire home e.g. open all "openings" if possible for a short-while - for qi to refresh into the home.

3. Some homes at the centrepoint has clear space, this is good for #8 at the centrepoint. But this is meant more for a home with 20 year flying star and when one wants to built the home from scratch.

4. If a sector has good star(s); and if one can spent time or activity at that sector; that is good.

5. Unfortunately, we have to accept that not all homes does have what I described under Para 3 and/or 4.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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