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FengShui Review for Waterfront Key


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Hi Master Cecil,

I would like to seek your kindadvice on which is the best stack in this development which is adjacent to Waterfront Waves which you had reviewed sometime back.

May I know what is the impact of having a water canal at the back of the estate, running east-west (not sure about the flow direction though).

I'm a West group person and is actually looking at the 21-24 stacks. Was considering stack 20 but seemed that this is facing the slit-opening pathway between the 2 opposite blocks 6 & 8.

Hope to hear from you.

Thank you

R. Lau

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Nowadays, many developers seek the advice of geomancers on the macro Feng Shui of both the site and what is outside of the development.

Yes, in general a water canal at the back of the estate can / will have consequences on several stacks in the development.

And Yes, even the running of the drainage from east-west; and even how the drainage from the site towards the water canal has an impact from a Feng Shui point of view.

Overall, these have very high weightage : Water dragoons / Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. Thus even if we do pathe our entire unit or apartment in pure gold - no use if the external or outside the four walls of the apartment is "condemned" or "corrupted".

Anonymous wrote:
May I know what is the impact of having a water canal at the back of the estate, running east-west (not sure about the flow direction though).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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