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Poison arrows and outside oven


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Hi Master,

Front of the house

My house is a corner house on a one way street that goes toward south and connected to another street with two ways busy streets that always turn toward my house into the street. Should I be concern with these traffics? From the window, I can see the traffic and edge of the house across the street pointing at me.Is this poison arrow?Not only that, there is a street pole also. See attachment.

My house is facing Southwest that has a straight path all the way to the house across the street. My neighbor's door is a see through mirror. I know that having a straight path into the house is bad. Please see attachment. Please advise how to solve the straigh path problem.

Back of the house

Looking from my the sliding door window, I noticed that there is a shed built and it's roof top is pointed at my window and that there is an outside brick oven built that is straight at my other window where my kitchen sink. See attachments. On the first one, you will see both the shed and the oven. On the second one, you will see my kitchen sink window. Are the shed and brick oven a threat to my house?

I noticed my husband sickness is getting worse since the back neighbor buit this. I hope that you can help me. I am looking foward to your advises.

Thank you in advance,


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Dear Master Cecil,

Thanks for your quick response. I am planning to use the convex mirror. Before I put it up,I still need your advice on the following:

1) Does the convex mirror work for the staight path in front of door as well? Please refer back to the picture of sha qi of neighbor's roof, poison arrow. If not, what cure do I use?

2) I have two windows that are on the same side with the front door where the poison arrow also pointed at them.Beside putting a convex on the front door, do I also need to put a convex mirror on each of the window?

Further more, have you a chance to review my question on the back of my house? Please refer to the picture of seeing oven from kitchen window and seeing roof of the shed pointing at my sliding door. The roof of the shed looks like a poison arrow. Can I use the convex mirror as well?

What about the outside oven that faces direct to my window where the kitchen sink is? I have read that kitchen sink face the oven is not good Feng Shui for the kitchen but this is rare that the neighbor had built an oven outside the house. Is there a harm to my house? Can I use the convex mirror as well? I am sorry that I don't know how to insert an arrow to point out where the oven is. Please look for the black hollow square on the picture that is the oven.

Thank you in advance,


Click to view bigger image of shed seeing from sliding door

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