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Clarification on applying elements please


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I am learning a great amount from this website and it is finally making more sense to me however I would like some clarification on applying the elements.
fficeffice" />

If my element is Weak Metal: Water would take away my Metal, Fire which would control/melt my metal, not certain what wood would do but I think wood would help Fire or be controlled by metal.

Therefore as a Weak Metal I would require more Earth to strengthen the Metal or more Metal.

Being that I am a Sheep ? Earth element

Facing direction of house is SouthWest1 ? Earth element (Period 7)

Bedroom in North East ? Earth element

If the Earth element from the animal sign, house facing direction and bedroom location above are favourable to weak metal does that make it a lucky house and bedroom or should the facing direction of the house and bedroom be based on my 4 best directions (South, North, East or SouthEast)?

Being that I am a Gua # 3 ? Wood element

Main door entrance is East ? Wood element

Wood element would help fire therefore unfavourable to weak metal, so then is more metal needed to control wood or because East is part of my 4 best directions is it lucky even if it is not my lucky element?

According to Flying Stars of the house if the bedroom is

Mountain 4 ? Wood element

Water 1 ? Water element

Base 1 ? Water element (stronger water I think because it is the base)

The #1 (water element) will strengthen the #4 (wood element) but #4 (wood element) would control Earth element, because I am Weak Metal I would need more Earth element so it is best to increase metal element in that room according to flying stars? If increasing metal element in this room being that is it a North East bedroom already containing Earth element won?t that weaken the Earth element of the room? What would be the best element to use in this room?

If in 2010 if Yearly Star #2 ? Earth element is in the bedroom

Does the #2 Yearly Star compete more with the flying star of the bedroom Base #1 of the house more than the Mountain #4 and Water #1 star?

In this case is lots of metal needed to activate that room and also to weaken #2 Earth, even if it means weakening the Earth element of that room because it is in the North East?

I look forward to your response. Thank you J

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Frankly, it is too tedious to go thru such a specific report.
These are the guidelines:-
1. Humans we have our birth chart, the home also has it's own birth chart as you are aware of it by plotting say a Flying Star e.g. sector by sector analysis.
2. For example, in an apartment, the current WATER wealth prosperity wealth star (Water star) #8 is located at the balcony area.
3. Thus, even if the owner e.g Male breadwinner is a weak fire person; where according to his ba zi, water will exhaust his fire; but since Para 2 is the apartment's water wealth sector; he can activate that sector with a water position to tap the wealth luck of the characteristics of the home's ba zi.
4. And if another sector e.g. has a Mountain star #8 = earth element. Even if the breadwinner is a strong earth element and on it's own, too much earth is detrimental to him, but since this is a wealth location (Mountain star) e.g. solid object in the form of "earth" element can be activated even if he is a STRONG earth person.
5.If a sector e.g. the living room area has very bad #5 STRONG EARTH with #9 FIRE to fuel #5 then, what's wrong with e.g. activating say a six hollow rod wind chime = constant (strong metal) to neutralise that sector of the bad flying star numbers. Thus if the person is of the strong water element - so what? - even if strong metal is bad for a strong water person. We are neutralise a SECTOR's bad flying star influence (full stop).

On 9/8/2010 8:02:11 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello,I am learning a great
amount from this website and
it is finally making more
sense to me however I would
like some clarification on
applying the
elements.prefix = o ns =
effice" /
If my element is Weak Metal:
Water would take away my
Metal, Fire which would
control/melt my metal, not
certain what wood would do but
I think wood would help Fire
or be controlled by metal.
Therefore as a Weak Metal I
would require more Earth to
strengthen the Metal or more

Being that I am a Sheep ?
Earth element
Facing direction of house is
SouthWest1 ? Earth element
(Period 7)
Bedroom in North East ? Earth

If the Earth element from the
animal sign, house facing
direction and bedroom location
above are favourable to weak
metal does that make it a
lucky house and bedroom or
should the facing direction of
the house and bedroom be based
on my 4 best directions
(South, North, East or

Being that I am a Gua # 3 ?
Wood element
Main door entrance is East ?
Wood element

Wood element would help fire
therefore unfavourable to weak
metal, so then is more metal
needed to control wood or
because East is part of my 4
best directions is it lucky
even if it is not my lucky

According to Flying Stars of
the house if the bedroom is
Mountain 4 ? Wood element
Water 1 ? Water element
Base 1 ? Water element
(stronger water I think
because it is the base)

The #1 (water element) will
strengthen the #4 (wood
element) but #4 (wood element)
would control Earth element,
because I am Weak Metal I
would need more Earth element
so it is best to increase
metal element in that room
according to flying stars? If
increasing metal element in
this room being that is it a
North East bedroom already
containing Earth element won?t
that weaken the Earth element
of the room? What would be the
best element to use in this

If in 2010 if Yearly Star #2 ?
Earth element is in the
Does the #2 Yearly Star
compete more with the flying
star of the bedroom Base #1 of
the house more than the
Mountain #4 and Water #1 star?
In this case is lots of metal
needed to activate that room
and also to weaken #2 Earth,
even if it means weakening the
Earth element of that room
because it is in the North

I look forward to your
response. Thank you J

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Lets look at this illustration:-
1. This female person is sick and needs daily blood transfusion.
2. According to this female person, she says that she is a STRONG METAL person.
3. And to her, BLOOD contains large amounts of "iron" or metal element.
4. So, based on academic concept that since she is already a strong metal person; is it logical for her to refuse BLOOD = metal element?
5. Alternatively, a person is a weak water person. Does this person literally have to drink LOTS more water then a normal person? In olden times, we were told something like we need to drink 8 or 9 glasses of water for an average person. So does this "joker" need to take twice the amount of water?
6. What if the person is a STRONG WATER person? Can he/she refuse to have anything that has water or moisture? What is more important, live day to day or die immediately of dehydration?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you for your response, your explanation with the examples are very helpful, it makes more sense!!!

On your website I came across an example of a report for analyzing best houses most suitable to an individual.
In the report it shows that the base number is used to analyze whether it is best to spend more time in a sector or not in accordance with one's Kua number. The mountain star and water star were analyzed with each other to determine according to the elements if the sector needs to be activated, neutralized or controlled.
It differs from what I have read in the forums on how to analyze the base, water and mountain stars.
Is the base, mountain, water and yearlystar analyzed all together according to their elements, or is the base and yearlystar analyzed together but separate from the analysis of the mountain and water star?
This may sound like a silly question but if the base star is the bigger number in the grid, does it have more importance, than a mountain star or water star element does?
if for example the base is a 7 metal element even though it is considered a weak metal element because it is a base is it now a stronger metal element compared to its mountain and water stars in that grid?
I look forward to your explanation. Thank you. Smile

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On your website I came across an example of a report for analyzing best houses most suitable to an individual.
In the report it shows that the base number is used to analyze whether it is best to spend more time in a sector or not in accordance with one's Kua number.
These are the considerations:-
1. There are various reports: The Detailed Flying star, the House Hunting Report etc...
2. Even within the detailed Flying star report, the above has a topic header : General Significance. And you have not seen the Group Analysis reports.
3. What you have searched are just pieces or puzzles or raw data that have not being put together in a comprehensive digestable information. But rather, just imagine, you stumbled on an outline or worksheet and then make some premature evaluation based on it.
4. For information, some of the above reports have another concept known as " BAZI Feng Shui".
5. Therefore, I would be worried if one gathers fragments of info and then make a comment based soley on such things. How you seen the final completed work?
The mountain star and water star were analyzed with each other to determine according to the elements if the sector needs to be activated, neutralized or controlled.
It differs from what I have read in the forums on how to analyze the base, water and mountain stars.
6. The blind leading the blind.
6.1. In fact, there are many users even forum members who I understand 'swear' by the importance of the Mountain and Water star. And don't let them hear that you seem to think; quoting you below: "the base star is the bigger number in the grid.
6.2. This group of hardcore "Mountain and Water" stars prevail literally would come after your head if they get to hear what you mentioned. This group of die hards, most probably have checked out and to them found out that many geomancers feel that these two stars are the most important ones. To them, perhaps, if so many geomancers believe so, it must be the truth rite? In reality, what happens if it turns out that this the blind leading the blind senario?
This may sound like a silly question but if the base star is the bigger number in the grid, does it have more importance, than a mountain star or water star element does?
7. Please see above Para 6.1 to 6.2
if for example the base is a 7 metal element even though it is considered a weak metal element because it is a base is it now a stronger metal element compared to its mountain and water stars in that grid?
8. Wait until you get 'shot' down by these who swear only by the Mountain and Water stars (indoctrinated users and practitioners)
Is the base, mountain, water and yearlystar analyzed all together according to their elements, or is the base and yearlystar analyzed together but separate from the analysis of the mountain and water star?
9. Ponder over this;
9.1 Would one prefer to have more or less information?
In theory, if we were given more information e.g. the Yearly star, the monthly star and wow wow the daily stars. Isn't this better? Since you get more information?
9.2 How many have the time or resources to map out : Yearly, Monthly or even daily, hourlys stars?
On the negative side of 9.1, in reality how often or how many after charting out and analying say their 20 year Flying Star; go futher into the yearly stars. Thus, unless one is a Flying star addict or really too free, few if any would plot and analyse till e.g. yearor month.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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