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Buying land to build a new house


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Dear Cecil,
I need your help. We are in the process of buy the land to build the house. My husband born on November. 18, 1959. I am using 8 house theory his direction is Southwest but we bought the land facing East. He believe and almost everybody believe East/ the sun go up is good location. We have house at Southwest location before but we did not have any luck. We sold that house and bought one facing East and we seem have more luck with this house. Now we buy the land and plan to do custom home in couple more years. 8 house theory show that East is DISASTER so I am really scare.
Please help me......
Thank you very much,

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Dear Anon,
1. More importantly, for a site, it should also have excellent Feng Shui based on Shapes and Form School.
For example:
1. Avoid having a drain or water position behind the house.
2. You piece of land in relation to the neigbhour. Is the land lower then the neighbour? Is it on a slope?
There are many more issues to be looked into.
2. The eight house theory has its limitation in that it is best used only for finding the house is suitable to the breadwinner (main door) and the various bedrooms that your family members will occupy.
3. More advanced theories such as Flying Star should be used.
My suggestion is that if you want a `worry' free house, it is best to get a competent Feng Shui practioner if you can to do all these for you. As there are so many issues involved.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/25/99 10:30:59 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I need your help. We are in
the process of buy the land to
build the house. My husband
born on November. 18, 1959. I
am using 8 house theory his
direction is Southwest but we
bought the land facing East.
He believe and almost
everybody believe East/ the
sun go up is good location.
We have house at Southwest
location before but we did not
have any luck. We sold that
house and bought one facing
East and we seem have more
luck with this house. Now we
buy the land and plan to do
custom home in couple more
years. 8 house theory show
that East is DISASTER so I am
really scare.
Please help me......
Thank you very much,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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