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water body


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These are some considerations:
1. There are often four major considerations if one wants to place a water body somewhere:-
1.1. Trial and error: Some people, and based on their feelings felt that a water feature at a certain location would be good for them.
1.2. Flying Star Feng Shui: Need to plot a flying star chart and detect where is the water position. And place a water feature if that location is appropriate e.g. in the living room area or clear space area. And not the toilet.
1.3. Frontage of the garden. In past forum messages, I had mentioned that of all places in a home; often 60 to 70 percent of the time, even if one does not look at Feng Shui, any water position at the frontage is often gets a pass mark. And rarely gets an "F" (Fail mark).
1.4. From now to 2023, SW is considered as the indirect water wealth location. Especially if this is a living room or some clear space location. Thus, often one would not get wrong in most situations until 2023 if a water feature is placed at this sector.
2. Your male with qua number 5 does not even feature anywhere under Para 1.1. to 1.3. or 1.4.
3. Thus, try not to play around with qua number with this subject matter. It does not belong, here. (Where qua number should not be used to determine if a sector needs or does not need a water body or dead body for that matter.

On 7/19/2012 5:24:51 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello sir, can you please tell
me , is it beneficial for a
male with qua number 5 to have
a water body in the south west
direction? &n
bsp; &n
bsp; &n
bsp; &n
bsp; &n
bsp; &n
bsp; &n
bsp; &n
bsp; Thank you for your

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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