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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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at first i could hardly believe that Feng Shui really works. but then i continued to study and research and tried some advice posted on several websites to find out if it is true or not. i got so crazy about it i followed all advice i read wherever i encounter them...and waited for results.
that time the only missing part in my life was romance. everything else was doing fine. but no matter how many guys i've met all of them on above average standard, it just didn't seem to work. until i've read that i can enhance my romance luck by having my bed against the East wall (Shapes and Forms), where i can see a full view of the door. i did that right that moment. after a month, i've met this guy and since then, it's like a fairytale come true!!! i waited 9 months before i share this experience because i wanted to make sure feng shui really works. right now, i assure you, it really works and things are still getting better.
thanks to feng shui experts and masters like Cecil and Robert who tirelessly share their knowledge for us to have a good life!
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