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Major Server Migration and Forum Update

Robert Lee

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Hi Everyone,

I will be performing a major server migration on the our site, to have a major overhaul update to all the existing software to support the latest server OS.

Our old forum especially have served us well since the site was launched in 1996. But it also needs to be updated to something even better that will continue to support the site for many years to come. Hence, our old forum will be migrated to another newer forum software.

Hence, this will be the last post on this old forum database, after which data on this old forum will be archived and be replaced with a much more updated forum software.

The rest of the site software will also need to be upgraded in order for it to support the latest server software. So this will be a pretty major update. The upgrade will be done in the background, and I will update different sections of the site at one time.

Due to the nature of this update, I am using a temporary server to test configure and transfer the configuration before it is moved to a permanent new server. And some tweaking and integrations between the new modules may need to be tweaked later, including re-customising of the layout and templates of the software.

However, I don't expect too much of a disruption. In fact, users should still be able to continue to access the site while it is being upgraded. However, I may need to disable sections of the site which is being upgraded or transferred. This will be done in sections so that not all the site will be unavailable at the same time.

I am sure users will enjoy this update once the update is completed.

Thank you for your patience.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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