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2017 Bed Placement Help


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Dear Cecil

  Thanks for answering my last post about trigrams it was greatly appreciated. I had one last question.

2017 has been a horrible year for me so far, what Queen Elizabeth II would call an Annus Horribilis.

  1. My great grandmother died
  2. I've been in the hospital twice
  3. And a job I recently started didn't work out for me so it's back to the drawing board.

-My bedroom is and has been (for the last 20+ years) located in the South West location of my apartment which i share with my parents.

-I was also born December 26th 1988 so I'm an Earth Dragon with a Gua No. 3 and Trigram "Chen"

-I like to sleep with my head to the East but apparently the Three Killings are hanging out in the East this year and so apparently this isn't a a very good way to have my head pointed towards.

-The only other direction I could sleep in is the West but apparently the Grand Duke is hanging out in the West and also the West isn't a good direction for my head to be pointed in.

- I could try to place my head facing North but there's no solid wall behind me as there is a closet. The South is a no go because there are Windows or I would also be sleeping in the SW corner of a SW room.

I wish I could sleep in other rooms LOL, but I can't kick my parents out of their room.

As a sidenote, my desk was for almost a year in the South West Corner of my room and then I recently moved it. 

Any help! I want my year to get better!



PS: I left a diagram (a poorly drawn one) of my apartment.


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