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One Eighties residences


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These are some considerations:

1. Under Symbolism a staircase facing the main door literally implies "wealth" flowing down the stairs and out-of-the unit.

2. Thus, this is akin to a grandmother's tale. And thus many geomancers have equally automatically advice that this is really bad.

3. However Feng Shui is all about the Big Picture: Location, location and location.

3.1 Senario 1: Some homes are like a new BMW or Mercedes Benz. Occasionally, they can even be Porches or a Roll Royce. Thus in such a situation, a minor blemish like a roof terrace staircase as what you had mentioned will not even create a dent in the "luck of the house".

3.2. Senario 2: If the overall unit is like an unpolished gem; need to activate the luck; then again, this staircase thing can easily be negated or reduced or neutralized.

3.3. Senario 3: If the unit is however like a 10 year old 1,000 cc car; even if it is brand new; and an issue like a staircase facing the main door becomes more like a fatal concern.

4. The Concept of Maximizing Marks

4.1. All of us have taken written examinations. For example, if we are suppose to answer 4 out of 10 questions.

4.2. Many teachers would advice their students not to spent TOO MUCH time on answering e.g. 3 questions and skip the last question. This is because by answering part of the last question one may get some marks out of the 25 marks allocated to it.

4.3. Same here. For example under above Senario 2; turn the unpolished gem into a real gem. And the staircase thing is negated.

4.4. However, if the unit is like Senario 3.. good luck to those staying there. As often, it is much harder to squeeze out the luck. Take it then that for this category, the staircase is considered as one Major Flaw of the home. And usually, it take three major flaws to become fatal. And this could be it.

5. You wrote: "it bad if main door faces stairs to roof terrace? If yes, what can be done? "

5.1 In conclusion, if your home is equivalent of Senario 1 and 2, then no issue. Or nothing NEED to be DONE.

5.2. For Senario 3: your guess is good as mine. Either don't buy the unit OR better pray .. since common sense says... what can be done is to relocate the stairs.. not possible? Then don't ask me this.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The "Good, the bad and the ugly": Where does the unit fall into?

As mentioned earlier, a unit may fall under Senario 1, 2 or 3. Which is akin to a bell curve where there can be excellent, average and below average units..

It is like a bad year. A person with lots of good "aura" can certainly "ACE" it. But if a person is down and out like Senario 3; meets his/her downfall... got it ... get it?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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