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HDB Punggol Point Crown BTO launched in September 2019

Cecil Lee

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Punggol Point Cove was actually launched in August 2018. This is considered as re-offered balance flats:-

The link for HDB Punggol Point Cove is as follows:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 10/13/2019 at 11:26 AM, dakc said:

hi master, any tips to look out for when selecting units?


I will be adding some tips soon.

You might also want to read similar articles such as these... (Do a search or go to specific conference: Singapore Property Review...


Alternatively, if one wants a more personalised D.I.Y. report:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1: Common Rubbish Bin Lobby close to the unit

1. Although the common rubbish bin lobby is not close to the main door. However, it is close to the service yard open area.

2. Where possible, get these stacks/units: 1569 or 1571 as a last resort.


Case Study 2: Is it in auspicious for the unit to share the same wall as the lift lobbies x3 lifts?

1. There can be a stigma with some. As they may have heard rumours from friends or even certain Feng Shui Masters that there may be too much "moving metal" which can affect the units.

2. Frankly, Para 1 is not proven. Given that sometimes it may be a blessing in disguise for a stack/unit to share the same structure as the lift air-well(s). 

3. Given that in fact, structures around the lift air well is one of the safest areas to be around with. Particularly if there is an earthquake. But... wait a minute... this is a rarity at Punggol which is no where near to any earthquake zone or belt... LOL...

4. A minor consideration is that if the unit is at the shared lift-lobby area, this means that there is a higher level of pedestrian traffic.

5. The saying goes.. "if in doubt, skip these units".

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3: Location of Precinct Pavilion (PP) does it matter?

1. It is a known fact that for newer HDB estates (other than SERs-purchased units) there should be less funeral wakes occurring at the PP.

2. Nevertheless, one can never guarantee such an activity happening during say an auspicious occasion such as during the 15 days of Chinese New Year (CNY). Particularly on the 1st or 2nd day of CNY.

Punggol point crown precinct pavilion.gif

3. For units located at these areas, best to select higher floors. Safer to choose at least 6th storey or higher (if possible).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4:  Punggol Point is within swimming distance from Johor industrial park. Any concern?

1. From past experience, I had a few clients who is concerned of Punggol Point being a "swim" away from Johor industrial area....

2. Consider it as a stigma even if there is no real concern...

3. Stigmas and if later proven true also can affect health and also re-sale value. A real ??? mark... 

dude pleae dont smoke me can.png

4. Let's hope NE monsoon is not true.. else the wind from NE can blow towards (US at SGP-Punggol Point).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5: If not for the potential "haze" hanging down one's neck, location, location, location looks superb... 

1. Is it true that a very windy location is good for Feng Shui luck?

1.1. On the contrary. Days where there are exceptional strong winds can only mean health and wealth issues.

2. Good news is that one can easily control this via adjusting the amount of casement windows opened/angle or closed during these periods...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Sad to say this but many Feng Shui Masters are often a low down Feng Shui Sales-person.

You think they are in for the Feng Shui? Yes/No/May be?

Their motive is to Sell, sell, sell & make lots of $$$$$. 


Ask: Must I buy from YOU?

Geomancy.net (the oldest Feng Shui Forum) has been spreading this message consistently since Day 1 in 1996.

Save your love ones by telling them the truth. The truth never lies.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 6: Common sense of Prevention is better than no cure: the location of the Service Road Entry/Exit

1763464733_ServiceRoads.thumb.png.082344500dc426dacb0ef8df016eeac1.png1. In Singapore, we have lots of not only impatient drivers, but also drivers who don't give way even when they are right.

2. Together with a stressful life-style.

3. As a driver, we also need to depend on the planners to do their part in the development of a preventive (accident) environment.

1319649955_ServiceRoads1.png.ca80913ed6df7de8f5b7f9036b6deebc.png4. What is the planner(s) of HDB Punggol Cove Crown doing when he/she located one of this development's Entry/Exit service road exactly facing each other?

5. Mark my words, one fine day, (touchwood) this may cause a what was a preventable accident. And my feeling is that the primary cause could be one of those PMDs at this intersection. Oh Dear! Just had a flash-vision of it... (Appended by Cecil Lee on 29.11.2019 = PMDs are banned on pathways and this should discourage the use and abuse by driving it at traffic lights junction)

6. Stupidity has no limits. LOL! HDB should get this planner to write 6,000 lines: "In the future, I must not do this again. LOL"

6.1. Hey! HDB, I personally feel that it is still not too late to adjust this Entry/Exit point. Try to right a "wrong, please".

6.2. Alternatively, if you had bought a unit here, may be write-to them? Didn't HDB say that you are a potential Subsidiary Proprietor (SP) kinda-of... even if you are just a leasee... 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Feng Shui suffers a bad reputation, today.

Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui.
But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui.

Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one:



Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why.

Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES!

On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client


P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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23 hours ago, joelowjw said:

Hi Master Lee,

U mentioned before that the plot of land which Punggol point crown sits on is the best as compared to Woods and Cove.
Does your recommendation still hold? If so, can you explain why? Thank you



4 years later, there are certainly better ones. However, every plot has their good, the bad and the ugly.

And today, especially in Punggol, there are really so many contenders.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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