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I am wondering for the auspicious date report, what time zone is it under? i am in the US timezone and wonder if I need to subtract the time to get the right date/hour of auspicious

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Q: I am wondering for the auspicious date report, what time zone is it under?  i am in the US timezone and wonder if I need to subtract the time to get the right date/hour of auspicious

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 2:03 AM Support <support@geomancy.net> wrote:
Hi ________,

By default, we use the local GMT +0800 (China/Singapore time zone) on our server. 

So if you do want to make any time zone adjustment, you will have to apply the timezone adjustments on all every single analysis, which only adds more complications.

1) To be honest, we don't really recommend making any adjustment, but rather using your local timezone, since GMT timezone modification isn't really the best way to apply the location factor. Since timezone has been simplified and it only affects the longitude changes.

2) Adding location factor (longitude and latitude) will often make the chart less accurate if you are even 0.01 degree off the actual place of birth. Plus, who will record the actual long. and lat. of birth? So why complicate the matter. 

3) The ba zi system was designed to work even if you don't have the hour of birth, as the month and year pillar were still the more important factors that they used for the luck forecast. 

Hence, our stand is just to use your local local time, because everything if you assess in the same local timezone will adjust itself out. You can read more from this link especially on the Applying Location Factor into Ba Zi:-

URL: http://bazifaq.geomancy.net/

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Q: Got it.  I was mainly asking because of the hours that is denoted as auspicious or not.  Just confirmation, I can still use the hours for the best time of the day for local time or ignore it as it makes little difference?


Hi ________,
If you use the local time, then as your local time correspond to the auspicious date, that hour will be match up if they are all the same local time. Ultimately, the date and time will eventually match up, just that in different countries, it will come a little earlier or later depending on when the local time is. That's all.
Hence, that is why I kept saying there is really no need to specially make any alterations. It will get more confusing for those who apply the location factor, because they will also have to make sure other analysis is adjusted. In which case, they are more likely to make the analysis less accurate if the adjustment is done incorrectly. Or if they try to use a local time to match an analysis which was altered with the timezone for example (ie use local time to match an auspicious date which was adjusted with GMT timezone difference for example).
Hope that helps.
>>Thank you so much for the explanation.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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