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Yin and Yang balance


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Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that living close to school is not good since there is yin and yang imbalance(since there is abundance of yang energy during the day due to children but at night it is too quite).
But the house where main door faces the park is considered good. I needed to know wont there be yin and yang imbalance here also since parks are filled with people during the day but empty at night. Thanks.

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Dear Anon,
1. More important concerns are where a house faces
1.1. A temple or church
1.2. A cemetry
Other brutal occurences in the home
2. Primarily, the above are the main concerns as a temple or church is said to be a `depository' of emotions etc...
3. A house next to or near a school, is acceptable. Thus one should not `worry' unduly over this. And not an issue.
4. The concept of clear space is an important consideration and has priority under the Shapes and Form.
Thus is it good to have clear space be a park.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/6/00 5:20:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that living
close to school is not good
since there is yin and yang
imbalance(since there is
abundance of yang energy
during the day due to children
but at night it is too quite).
But the house where main door
faces the park is considered
good. I needed to know wont
there be yin and yang
imbalance here also since
parks are filled with people
during the day but empty at
night. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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