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Crystals and fountain for romance sector


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Dear Anon,
The fundamental questions are:
1. Where is the romance sector.
2. If there are more than one interpretation of romance sector, how should we go from there?

1. Where is romance sector?
Some Feng Shui practitioners/authors use the Eight Associations or Life Aspirations/Association concept and pin-point to the South West sector.
Such practitioners or authors, consider that it can be applied to say the SW sector of the bedroom.
2. If there are more than one interpretation of romance sector, how should we go from there?
In an earlier forum message, one can find that:
Under the Flying Star, #8 represents the "Romance" sector i.e. at North East.
I have also reproduced several combinations of Mountain and Water Stars and their association with Romance.
3. How do we go from here?
The question asked is which "Romance sector" should one enhance? if at all?
4. If one is really desperate to find Romance, is it logical to enhance all these sectors with the suggested enhancer `crystals' or `fountains'?
5. The most logical method is firstly use the Flying Star to check for any imbalances within each sector of the house.
6. It is not conclusive that crystals or fountains can enhance or activate romance to come alive.
7. What is worse, is that, many horror stories abound of people, using excessive or too much `Feng Shui' cures or enhancers like crystals or even fountains at the `wrong' location or what worse, does not match their Pillars of Destiny.
8. Imagine, if one is a weak fire person, a fountain may further exhaust his element. While for a strong water person the additional fountain (water) may overwhelm him/her creating sickness or competition at work.
9. In my opinion, it does not `pay' to spend money to create more problems for ourselves.
We should lead normal lives like normal people and not overwhelm ourselves with self created problems.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/10/00 1:14:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
dear cecil,
One should keep crystals and
fountain in romance sector. Is
there any truth to it. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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