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Premature renovations by reading a book

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Hi everyone,
I think one should not do any major renovations to their homes by just reading a book since not all theories and aspects are covered in a single book since feng shui is a vast subject. And it is not beneficial to the user since in their hurry they might unconsciously enhance their bad sector or the misfortune and illness sector.
It is better to consult a geomancer before doing a major renovation and if a user is interested in doing it themselves then they should equip themselves by reading as much as possible on this subject and take advise
from a knowledgeable person before the major construction. Instead of making changes first and then wondering why things are not getting better.
I am not saying that the feng shui is difficult to implement but the fact is there
is lack of correct information out there in the market.
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Dear Anon,
1. Thanks for sharing with all of us your view and caution about Fast Food Feng Shui.
2. As there are easily more than over 300 books on Feng Shui published, with either the `lure' of wealth or everyone's hope to gain immediate wealth, this would spell a dangerous position for the proper practise of Traditional Feng Shui.
3. Sad to say if this trend continues, many people, who may not have any problems could infact, create their own problems by adopting Fast Food Feng Shui.
Thus give traditional Feng Shui a bad name.
I remembered, that some persons had mentioned that they had studied `Feng Shui' from a popular author and afer e.g. 5 years of enhancing e.g. their `career ' or other sectors, were thus disillushioned with Feng Shui.
Perhaps, one could have spent more productive time, engaged in our hobbies or pleasures? Or achieved something else in our lifes rather than hoping and waiting.
Worse still, if it had caused health, and in some situations caused misfortune or even ruined families and even lead to death.
Plus the wasted money buying `goods' or objects in the hope that we can gain more wealth. Money could have been better spent or saved.
4. For those who intend to live e.g. in a condominum, could easily have found an apartment, where, the condominum or building already has a `proper' fountain at the frontage. This fountain would for example, be good enough to give `prosperity' to the residents living in the plot of land.
5. If one has a relatively small apartment, how much can a small fountain bring us Qi.
Worse, if one is `half-hearted'. Purchase a fountain than ask the question: Must I, turn it on 24 hours? In simple terms, if a fountain is not turned on it is considered `broken'.
Thus, one should take advantage of economies of scale, where the plot of land, or condominum has a fully functional fountain (as an example).
6. Traditional Feng Shui or `Space Clearing'
Usually, Traditional Feng Shui have some measures of `space clearing'.
I believe, it may be worse, if one picks up the `finer' points of `Feng Shui ' enhancers, like buying wind chimes, fountains, plants and fish tanks.
If, it is not meant as a hobby but purchased in the hope of obtaining wealth, then one may be even better off consulting a `Space Clearing' practitioner or such reading books.
If the space clearing author writes that one must use intuition and less clutter, this concept has les harm than one provided in a book written by a Traditional FS author. At least, perhaps, `less harm' may come in.
7. Perhaps, in the next few years, more `precationary' books will be written to offset the tide of books that provide Fast Food Feng Shui.
It is still important to remember: If it ain't broken, don't FIX IT!
Like yourself, I do not like to sound negative, but Fast Food Feng Shui is a worrying trend as it had changed the lives of some people for the worse. Those who are lucky, I believe would vouch for it.
Today, it seems to me like a losing battle. Another worrying trend is that many Feng Shui Schools even tradtional FS schools are `churning' out graduates, without the proper foundation.

The worry here is that, some of these new `Masters' may be equally unsure and use the `place safe' method of using more `cures' or enhancers that is needed. Thus may inadvertenly create the imbalances.
As a consumer, you have the right to know and always ask the practitioner to explain the purpose of the cure and how it relates to the Five elements. This will give you a better understanding of the imbalance and also make the practitioner put on their thinking cap.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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