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8association vs death line


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From lillian too's book that put the compass 8 directions into wealth(SE), fame(S), career (N), mentors (NW) ...etc and we are to energize that direction for desired aspect in life.
However, from 8house throey, we have 4 directions that are auspicious and the other 4 are bad (death, disaster, irritation, spook) and if the death line direction falls under the compass North (which is career), is this our death corner or our career corner? do we energize this corner if we want career luck?
How do we interpret when there ar always 4 bad directions which will match 4 out of the 8 aspect of life as noted in the book?
(W-children luck, NW -Mentors, N-career, NE-education, E -family&health, SE-wealth, S-frame, SW-marriage)?
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Dear Tervino,
1. Eight Aspirations or Eight Associations or Life Associations.
It is based on the interpretation of each of the STATIC Kua trigrams into e.g. SW - Romance sector etc...
This is similar to the `Black Hat Sect's ' use of STATIC templates.
2. I mentioned in earlier forum messages that the Eight Associations or Life Associations are too generalised to be of any effect in Feng Shui.
For example, in earlier messages, I mentioned that if three of us are trying to `woo' a girl. And if we understand the Eight Association concept clearly, we need to ENHANCE our SW sector.
Given some imagination, each of us would try to enhance this sector. Perhaps, the three of us have discussed this earlier.
In order to over do your colleagues, you placed 999 stalks of rose on your SW sector of your table. This is because, you heard that your "closest" rival had placed 99 stalks of rose on his table while your other colleague placed 888 stalks of rose.
So, we should examine what happens if everyone one tries to do this? Is it logical to out do each other at our South West Sector?
Worse of all, someone else may in the end, `marry' the girl instead.
2. Under the Shapes and Form School, there is also personalisation.
For example, we understand that if there is a threat e.g. a sharp corner of a building, we need to neutralise this at our main entrance.
But if there is no poison arrow, we do not need to `neutralise' something which is not there.
3. For the Eight House theory try not be confused with is this our death corner or career corner.
It is nice to think interms of corners. But why get `cornered?' by all these?
Being " cornered " is not an appropriate concept.
4. I mentioned that many of us, only think of enhancing e.g. a sector. But what is the use if the entire `boat' is sinking?
It is no use to spent too much time or money looking after a corner and neglecting the fundamentals.
One has to make sure that the ENTIRE Feng Shui of a house is OK first before going over `luxuries' such as enhancing a corner.
5. In order to enhance luck, and if one applies Feng Shui, do it in a holistic way.
Try to score as many `marks' in each category as possible. One can still fail an examination if one answers 3 questions but left out the 4 compulsory question.
For example, each question is 25 marks. If we left out the last question, our maximum score is 75 marks assuming we get good marks.
But what happens if we get only 35 marks in total. If we had answered the last question, and may have got 15 marks, we could have got 50 marks (where the passing mark is 50).
Warmest Regards,

On 6/17/00 12:39:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
From lillian too's book that
put the compass 8 directions
into wealth(SE), fame(S),
career (N), mentors (NW)
...etc and we are to energize
that direction for desired
aspect in life.
However, from 8house throey,
we have 4 directions that are
auspicious and the other 4 are
bad (death, disaster,
irritation, spook) and if the
death line direction falls
under the compass North (which
is career), is this our death
corner or our career corner?
do we energize this corner if
we want career luck?
How do we interpret when there
ar always 4 bad directions
which will match 4 out of the
8 aspect of life as noted in
the book?
(W-children luck, NW -Mentors,
N-career, NE-education, E
-family&health, SE-wealth,
S-frame, SW-marriage)?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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