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Front Door Location vs Direction


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Dear Cecil
I need your guidance with the concept of location & direction, esp with front door.
Suppose a house#1 which faces north shares a main door(A) with another house#2, this main door(A) faces north too. After entering (A), you need to enter another door(B) into house#1, door(B) faces west. From the center of house#1, both doors (A) & (B) are in the NW sector/location of house#1.
Therefore, which is which when analyzing main entrance in relation to the house?? Does the house facing changes with the door?
Thank you.
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Dear Jo Yong,
In my opinion, one should take into consideration the `private' door into each apartments i.e. door (B) for Feng Shui analysis.
If you have a sketch of the outline of the houses and its relation to the door (A) and (B), it would help to confirm the above.

On 9/14/00 11:15:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil
I need your guidance with the
concept of location &
direction, esp with front
Suppose a house#1 which faces
north shares a main door(A)
with another house#2, this
main door(A) faces north too.
After entering (A), you need
to enter another door(B) into
house#1, door(B) faces west.
From the center of house#1,
both doors (A) & (B) are in
the NW sector/location of
Therefore, which is which when
analyzing main entrance in
relation to the house?? Does
the house facing changes with
the door?
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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