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Chinese Astrology Forecast for the Rabbit Year

Robert Lee

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Some users found this interesting as such I have compiled a 12 Animal Signs
reading of the Rabbit Year. Please note that we are using the Chinese
Astrology as such the year begins on 16 Feb 1999.
Chinese Astrology - 12 Animal Signs for Rabbit Year (16 Feb 1999 to 4 Feb
1. Rabbit in Rabbit Year
- Achieve success whether locally or abroad.
- Be careful of romance as 3rd party may cause problems.
- Health problems: Be careful of accidents to limbs (especially Aug).
Take extra precaution if you are born in 1957.
2. Rat in Rabbit Year
- Plenty of opportunities for success.
- Business, career, wealth is best gained during Spring and summer. Take
extra caution for those born in 1960 for finanical losses in Sep.
- Married couples should stay away from extramarital affiars.
3. OX in Rabbit Year
- There will be setbacks and problems but will improve after Autumn.
- Be careful when you are dealing with people. Avoid acting as a
guarantor or lending money otherwise, you may get in trouble with the law.
- Couples may tend to have some clashes in decision or opinion.
- Health problems: sleepless & headaches
4. Tiger in Rabbit year
- Obstances in Career and Wealth Prospects during spring. Possible
windfall after autumn.
- Setbacks may arise in marriage. So try to control your temper.
- Health problems: liver and lungs. Careful about accidents in summer
and autumn.
5. Dragon in Rabbit year
- Complication in things you do this year.
- Be careful of being cheated in business. Take extra caution in July
and October.
- Health problems: be careful about falling, tripping, etc.
6. Snake in Rabbit year
- Good fortune begins at the end of the year. Be careful in summar and
- Possible invitation into business ventures.
- Easy to find a spouse, but avoid overworking.
7. Horse in Rabbit year
- Good year for Career and Wealth.
- Good results from any ventures local or abroad.
- Unfortunate romance.
- Health problems: be careful when playing any sports.
8. Goat in Rabbit year
- Good year for your Wealth. Would be better if you can expand your
social contacts.
- Take caution in finicial speculation.
- Control your temper if you do not want breakups.
- Health problems: take care to prevent chronic illness.
9. Monkey in Rabbit year
- Be careful of disputes in this year.
- Beware of being cheated.
- Beware of problems in romance.
- Health problems: digestive problems.
10. Rooster in Rabbit year
- Lots of opportunities but also competition.
- Career and money will come and go.
- Health problems: be careful of respiratory illness.
11. Dog in Rabbit year
- Good year for dogs especially in career and wealth.
- Best time investment ventures especially in spring. Take extra caution
for those born in 1958 for robbery.
- May have slight misunderstanding in the early part of the year.
- Health problems: limb injuries, abstain from liquor.
12. Pig in Rabbit year
- Year of difficulties (eg. cheating or betrayed)
- Take extra caution when investing in anything.
- Good year for romance.
- Health problems: headaches and sleepless.
Note: These are just the general signs when the various animals meets. Lots
of other factors should be taken into consideration before assuming anything
about the years prospect. You may have to refer to other Feng Shui theories
to have a more accurate deduction of your fortune.

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