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Directions for a home


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Hello, Mr Lee,
Previously when we purchase a home we are more concerned that there is no afternoon sun directly on our unit. Hence, we have picked a unit which front door facing NE, and we didn't even know it faces NE until lately.
My husband is Kua 7 and I am Kua 9. Since we are of the opposite type, it is impossible to get a home that favour both. Knowing that the breadwinner ie my husband, we should be getting our 2nd home to his favourable directions e.g. W (excellent) that means it shall be my spook direction. My husband is most concern that it will hv adverse effect on me. Is there a remedy to it?
Currently our home is facing NE, longevity to my husband but disaster to me. If we were to stay put on this house, can color change anything. Choosing a house with an overall favourable directions beside the front door, bedrooms also plays a vital part? Pls advise
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Hi Anon,
Please see below:-

On 1/20/2002 3:38:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello, Mr Lee,
Previously when we purchase a
home we are more concerned
that there is no afternoon sun
directly on our unit. Hence,
we have picked a unit which
front door facing NE, and we
didn't even know it faces NE
until lately.
My husband is Kua 7 and I am
Kua 9. Since we are of the
opposite type, it is
impossible to get a home that
favour both. Knowing that the
breadwinner ie my husband, we
should be getting our 2nd home
to his favourable directions
e.g. W (excellent) that means
it shall be my spook
direction. My husband is most
concern that it will hv
adverse effect on me. Is there
a remedy to it?

The priority you should be taking is as follows:-
A. The house should be 1st suitable to the breadwinner (your husband). Since both of you are of opposite EIght House, which by the way is a common issue for most people. Likely it is not your death or disaster sector which would be worst.
B. Next, you should then focus on choosing a a bedroom that hopefully is suitable for the two of you. However, in most cases, it would be hard to find it as it would likely again be such a case where your husband is good and your is bad.
So you can try to choose a bedroom if possible where either of the following:-
1. Good for you and maybe irritation for your husband.
2. Good for your husband and maybe irritation for you.
(So long as for the bedroom, you do not choose a bedroom which is DEATH or DIASTER it will.)
Preferably to have option 1 because since your husband is already staying in his favourable house, staying in a slightly less auspicious bedroom to accomodate his wife is acceptable.
C. Next is to position your sleeping position. ie (try to use each other as a shield).
Say for example you choose to sleep in North bedroom, where North-West is better for your husband and North-East is better for you.
Then you will sleep in the North bedroom where you sleep closer to North-East and your husband sleep closer to the North-West side of the bed. This way you will make use of each other to shield yourself from the not so favourable influence.
This is normally how to resolve this opposite problem issue which is a very common problem.

Currently our home is facing
NE, longevity to my husband
but disaster to me. If we were
to stay put on this house, can
color change anything.
Choosing a house with an
overall favourable directions
beside the front door,
bedrooms also plays a vital
part? Pls advise
The only thing is to ensure that your bedroom is better for you, then to your husband, so that it will offset some of the influence from the unsuitable main door.

The other issue is to enhance your personal self (ie if you are a weak wood), then have more blue colours to improve your personal luck.
For the bedroom, you will need to know the binding element between you and your husband so that you can find a colour that would be beneficial to both of you. (ie weak wood and Strong Metal). The binding element would be Water. So painting the room in light shades of "Blue/Black/Gray" can help to improve both of your personal luck.
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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