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Green Dragon Painting


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Dear all,
Recently, I have receive a painting of a green dragon as a gift. May I ask, which is the best sector of my flat to hang the painting? Or would there be negative effects for hanging paintings such as a green dragon inappropriately.
Thank you in advance.
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Dear XiuMei,
1. Appreciate if you can further describe the dragon or its facing.
2. For example, please see attached picture which I had specially commissioned i.e. a painting of Nine dragons (5 claw type) dragon.
(Please note, that if you are listening in thru a mailing list or using a newsgroup agent to participate; you cannot see the attachment). All pictures in the forum can only be viewed thru the logon to the website forum).
This painting was designed such that there is a central dragon at the centre `blowing' Qi.
This painting sits on a wall over looking the sliding doors. And in the morning when I open the sliding panels; the dragon is said to be able to move or flow of it's qi move out of the house. One reason for this specially commissioned painting is because, even though my house has double 7's; there is a lone lamp post slicing thru the sliding area.
If you notice carefully also, the author or painter had " refused " to sign on this special commisioned canvas - fear of repercussions on himself.
3. Therefore, hope you can further describe what direction your dragon painting is facing; how many claws it has and what other background objects or other dragons (if any). Best still if you can have a picture taken; so that I can help you look at it further.
4. Otherwise, do take note that the head of dragon should be allowed to face e.g. a window or an opening (for space). It should not be facing inwards into the house.
Contrast this with a painting of 9 horses. Where, this is good for business as the horses should face a door. (To seek out business).
Warmest Regards,

On 2/4/2002 7:39:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear all,
Recently, I have receive a
painting of a green dragon as
a gift. May I ask, which is
the best sector of my flat to
hang the painting? Or would
there be negative effects for
hanging paintings such as a
green dragon inappropriately.
Thank you in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear XiuMei,
1. It is a lovely painting which is an Emperor (5 claw) dragon playing with a pearl.
2. Your painting of a blue dragon is considered one of the 4 symbolic animals.
3. This blue dragon in Feng Shui is known as the dragon of the East. And symbolises, sunrise and fertility. The dragon playing in the clouds symbolises that it is the `source' of rainfall (good for agriculture).
4. Since this painting `dances' in the cloud in a `playful' gesture, and it deplicts a smiling dragon; it is good to hang the painting specially in the living room area i.e. where the room has some `clear space' or often may have some open windows.
5. Avoid placing the painting in your bedroom and study room.
Thanks again for sharing with us the lovely smiling dragon painting.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/5/2002 10:36:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
Thank you very much for your
advice. In the attached file,
please find the drawing I am
refering to.
Thank you once again
Best Regards

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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