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Dear Cecil,
As i came to know more about FS and the information provided in this site as to compare to others plus the things we can learn and gain the benefit from the FS application....i do realized that one if not careful can actually spent more money.The fact is what you so called"fast food feng shui" create a situation where people start buying all sort of wealth enhancer plus all the stuff without firstly understand the fundamental of the application. At the end of the day....when after doing all the changes we begin to cast doubt on FS if the condition they expected to happen did not turn out well.Anyway,perhaps you can provide a basic checklist as to what people need to know in approching FS.One thing for sure, i do learn a lot and my approach also change in regard to FS eversince i surf this site.At the same time i wish to let you guys know this site is truly a wealth of knowledge and the help and advice given can be seem as a prosperity that give a lot of benefit for the one who interested in FS as the things we can deprived from the information are useful.
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