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seal of saturn


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Dear Cecil:
On a tv programme I was watching I heard this term: "seal of Saturn".What's the meaning of it?.In the bazhi report , you said that my best colors are yellow and white, How do I deal with that? Should I dress in those colours? or Should I paint my bedroom yellow or white? What should I do?
Please, advice
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Dear Carlos,
Please see below:-

On 7/9/2002 4:20:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil:
On a tv programme I was
watching I heard this term:
"seal of Saturn".What's the
meaning of it?.

Actually, this is known as the "Sigil of Saturn".
Attached please find graphic illustrations extracted from Geomancy.net's Flying Star course on the "Sigil of Saturn".
In the bazhi

report , you said that my best
colors are yellow and white,
How do I deal with that?
Should I dress in those
colours? or Should I paint my
bedroom yellow or white? What
should I do?
Please, advice
Under Ba Zhi analysis, since your wife favourable element are: Earth (yellow) and Metal (white / gold); She is a Weak metal person.

Her unfavourable colours are: Fire (red, purple, pink) and Water (blue, black, grey).
Her Wealth element is suppose to be Wood element. However, Wealth element is auspicious only if she is a STRONG Metal person. Otherwise, it will bring you lots of problems.
The next thing you should do is to check your own element. For example, if you are also a Weak Metal person, then your favourable elements are similar or identical to your wife.
This includes the unfavourable and wealth element.
Next thing you can do is to use the Comparison of Element Chart to find out both your binding elements i.e. Weak metal vs Weak metal.
In the above example, the binding element for both of you is `Earth' element. In Ba Zhi Feng Shui, this is considered the harmonious colour to help `bind' both of you in a marriage. For example, (other than other Feng Shui principles e.g. Flying Star Feng Shui) the bedroom can have say, cream/yellow colour and the living room can have such colours.
The `trick' in applying colours or elements e.g. shapes (round = metal) etc...
In personal dressing, one can say, use more white (metal element) and occassionally yellow element.
Warmest Regards,
P.S. The first file is an animated GIF, and it is best that you open the file with your internet browser i.e. IE5. Instead of a paint program.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Carlos,
1. The Sigil of Saturn is the movement of the Luo Shu grid as shown in the url below:-
2. You can trace the movement by sketching the movement in the above url's centre chart from the centre position:-
3. Do trace out the movement from
" 5 (Five) to 6 (Six) to 7 (Seven) to 8 (Eight) to 9 (Nine). And from 9 (Nine) jump to 1 (One) to 2 (Two) to 3 (Three) to 4 (Four)."
4. If you have traced this movement, (from the centre): this is the how the Sigil of Saturn will look like.
5. This is in-fact the Flying Star Feng Shui. Where the centre number refers to the Period.
6. Thus under Period 7, the Number 7 is placed at the centre of this chart/square.
7. The Flying Star Feng Shui i.e. where the flying star numbers 1 to 9 `FLY' is similar in concept to ancient Hebrew symbol of this Sigil of Saturn i.e. of the planet Saturn.
8. It is also interesting to note that this symbol is identical to the symbol of 9 Chinese Gods.
9. If you are interested, you can take up our Flying Star Feng Shui course and learn more about Flying Star Feng Shui.
10. I have attached the movement of the Sigil of Saturn for Period 7 (1984 to 2003). You can try to trace the movement. It is similar to the movement as mentioned above.
Warmest Regards,
Here is another sample of the movement of the Water Star (extracted from Flying Star course).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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