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Mirror in bathroom facing door


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Could you please advise me on mirrors in the bathroom facing the door (i.e. on wall opposite the door). I was told that this is bad feng shui but am unable to find any article on this. Should I reposition the mirror so it does nort reflect the back of the bathroom door? I always keep the bathroom door closed. Thank you.
P.S. you have got the BEST Feng Shui website on the entire internet!
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Dear Joanna,
Mirrors are said to reflect qi.
In general, usually it is not advisable for the mirror to face directly the bathroom door. The believe here is that it may reflect out what was inside the toilet.
More commonly, it is ok to place it at the side of the door. E.g. when one enters the toilet, it is on the right or left side. But, I believe, you may not have a choice. Since it is usually above your wash basin.
Try to close the toilet door when not in use.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/4/2002 2:47:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Could you please advise me on
mirrors in the bathroom facing
the door (i.e. on wall
opposite the door). I was told
that this is bad feng shui but
am unable to find any article
on this. Should I reposition
the mirror so it does nort
reflect the back of the
bathroom door? I always keep
the bathroom door closed.
Thank you.
P.S. you have got the BEST
Feng Shui website on the
entire internet!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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