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Our main door facing our neighbor's garage doors


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Dear Cecil,
Thank you very much for all your advice!
We are builing a new house. Our main door is directly facing our neighbor's garage doors (3 door garage), but their driveway is going towards the other direction not towards our main door. Is it still harmful to our house? If it is, what's the cure?
I've learned so much on your website! Thank you in advance for your reply and advice!
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Dear Donna,
Please see below:-

On 12/9/2002 1:24:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
Thank you very much for all
your advice!
We are builing a new house.
Our main door is directly
facing our neighbor's garage
doors (3 door garage), but
their driveway is going
towards the other direction
not towards our main door. Is
it still harmful to our house?
If it is, what's the cure?

Based on your description, it does not seem that your main door is in any direct threat unless:-
1. there are supporting posts or struts or lone lamp posts that slices thru your main door.
2. I believe, there is usually a personal compound at the frontage of your house or main door.
Para 1 is the main concern. Otherwise, small driveways e.g. neighbour's car porch is in my opinion, no threat to your home.
Best of Luck:)
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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