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Dear Marie,
1. Thank you for your sketch. However, I cannot really see the octagonal shape especially several of the lines were broken.
2. There are two dimensions in order to have a clear picture:-
a. Shapes and Forms
b. Flying Star
3. Under the Flying Star, usually if your house was born between 1984 to 2003; the centrepoint has current prosperity. However, in some of the layouts; there can be metal elements such as weak #7 detected there or a combination of #7 with #1.
4. If the centre grid or pie chart already as #7 with #1 this implies that there is already a virtual #7 metal with #1 water. And not necessary to have real water.
5. In addition if you are staying in an apartment, this is even not necessary for a water position here. Not much use since the metal at that sector could be a weak metal #7.
6. Unless, there is a strong metal e.g. #6 at that sector, additional water may help. BUT, it has to be referenced to Shapes and Forms. Or shapes and forms (Qi movement) takes precedence over Flying Star.
7. CAUTION: The above Flying Star assessment is preliminary and it depends on the direction of your exact main door. Sometimes, #7, #1 or even #6 may not be present in your house's actual chart.
The second caution is that many parts of the octagon is missing, so I am not really sure where is the centrepoint of your house.
8. Shapes and Forms has the Final Say
Based on the broken sketch, it seems to me that there are various missing corners or the form is not as stable as rectangular forms.
In addition, based on your sketch, your centrepoint of the house is a stone's throw from the black dot or your proposed water feature.
When I looked at the qi flow thru your main door towards the centrepoint of your house, the water feature seems to be in the way.
Therefore, I feel very uncomfortable with these two issues.
Frankly, if it is me, I would either investigate further or at least put of the idea for now especially if u are staying in an apartment. The maxim: Better safe than sorry!
Warmest Regards,

On 1/11/2003 10:53:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I am setting up a fountain
water feature and thinking of
placing it where the black dot
owing to the access of power
points is this a favourable
postion the house is
octagonal shape with all the
doors of glass thank you marie
All the doors to the house a

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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