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feng shui for cars?


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Dear master lee,
thanks for replying to my earlier post.
i would like to seek your opinion on the following:
a friend of mine was advised by a feng shui practitioner to drive certain "brands" of car(eg: he can only drive toyotas but not nissan?) and the license number that he is "suitable" for. are these advices "legitimate" in feng shui?
thank you for your insight.
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Dear Veronica,
1. In my opinion, no. This is not Feng Shui. Neither is it Ba Zi (Eight Characters/Pillars of Destiny).
2. This is because, what you had mentioned, cannot be related to The Five Elements Concept and Yin and Yang.
3. Most probably, (in my opinion) the practitioner may have his/her toes laughing when he/she gave this advise.
4. Many of us genuinely approach a FS practitioner for advise and I must say; really what was mentioned goes against any commonsense approach especially what makes it special about say a Toyota vs a Nissan?
5. Numerology methods can be very (very) diverse. It may have to do with phonetic sounding words e.g. 8 or `Fatt' (luck) in Cantonese, 4 or `say' die in Cantonese.
For other combinations of numbers, there are so many diverse numerology methods. Who can be sure what all these means.
6. Suggest to your friend to find out more from the practitioner for his/her reasons. And from this, make a value judgement:)
Warmest Regards,

On 2/3/2003 9:00:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear master lee,
thanks for replying to my
earlier post.
i would like to seek your
opinion on the following:
a friend of mine was advised
by a feng shui practitioner to
drive certain "brands" of
car(eg: he can only drive
toyotas but not nissan?) and
the license number that he is
"suitable" for. are these
advices "legitimate" in feng
thank you for your insight.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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