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Inauspicious house numbers


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If a house number isn't auspicious for period 8(2004-2023)are there remedies for such things? For example some numbers like 1022, 68 or 59 don't come up as auspicious for period 8. Is it advisable to buys such a house? How important is it? What if the house I live in now has a bad number?
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Dear George,
1. In my opinion, we must be very practical in our lifes.
2. Under symbolism in Feng Shui, the closest to "auspicious" house number is as shown in the sample attachment.
3. Look at it this way:
A house is not like a car in most parts of the world.
This is because, how often, can we change our house numbers vs how often can we change cars and car plate?
4. Often, when we purchase a house, we are literally stuck with the naming convention of that specific street or avenue.
5. Even under numerology, there are so many ideas of what is or is'nt auspicious.
The saying goes: "One man's meat is another man's poison". Even in the west, some people are supersitious with number 13. While others simple adore it.
Some people dispise the number 666 as associated with `devil'. But tell it to the Chinese hokkien dialect group: where 6 sounds like " LUCK ". So, triple six means Luck, Luck, (and more) Luck?
House numbers we cannot change. But, nowadays, there may be some respite for those who have poison arrows e.g. such as a sharp corner of another building. Simply make friends with Osama bin Laden and his gang and ask him to do a favour; help one to flatten thy neigbhour's home = PROBLEM SOVLED!
Warmest Regards,

On 7/28/2003 8:10:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
If a house number isn't
auspicious for period
8(2004-2023)are there remedies
for such things? For example
some numbers like 1022, 68 or
59 don't come up as auspicious
for period 8. Is it advisable
to buys such a house? How
important is it? What if the
house I live in now has a bad

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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