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exterior of house


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Dear Sir,
Thank you for such an informative site.It helps to get facts cleared about fengshui.
I hope my question regarding fengshui is also answered.
When analysing house using flying star theory should one consider the flying stars of exterior of the house & flying stars of the building, as during such times as renovation in the building,difficulty is encountered by residents. In such a case what has to be done & how, since correcting fengshui of the building is nearly impossible due to lack of interest in it, by some. Will correcting the exterior of the house in such cases be enough.
thank you in advance
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Dear Anon,
1. You brough up a very good question:)
2. If one had studied economics; we encounter two major terms:
2.1 Macro economics and
2.2 Micro economics.
3. The practise of Feng Shui is similar to economics: Macro and micro.
4. What you had mentioned about the building or site is akin to the most important consideration. Or First priority where this has the highest key success factor. Than say to try to enhance the 4 walls or interior of the home.
5. This is why, many developers both in Singapore and Overseas always call upon a Feng Shui Master to help `secure' their building.
5.1 The terms used are "Black" and "White" Feng Shui.
5.2 What happens is that prior to the development of a site; a Feng Shui Master scans close-by buildings. And classify these buildings into the various elements.
5.3 For example, if there are lots of earth shaped surrounding buildings. (Earth shaped buildings are often squarish or rectangular in shape).
6. At this point in time, the Feng Shui Master may recommend to the developer to build a building that has wood and water element. For example a tall building (subject to building regulation approval) and perhaps, grey or black coloured finish.
7. Here, grey or black represents the water element. And, the tall building represents wood element.
8. Under the productive sequence in Feng Shui:-
Water element supports Wood element.
9. And since the entire area is litered with Earth buildings; a wood element building or combination of water on wood is favourable.
10. Since, wood building is like a tall tree, with its roots crushing into Earth to enjoy wealth.
11. Here, if we look at the Destructive cycle or also this cycle can also be known as the Wealth cycle:
12. Where wood destroys earth to create wealth for wood. Thus bring prosperity to the people occupying the building.
13. The key success in Feng Shui, Ba Zi (eight characters/pillars of destiny) all relate to the lowest common denominator: the Five elements concept.
14. I mentioned "black" Feng Shui. This is where, a Feng Shui practitioner simply do not want to create harmony but goes all out to create wealth only for his/her intended clients. For example, in the past, I had given some examples of what is "black" Feng Shui.
15. Often, for Buddhist priests, they often do not want to create ills for others thus, if they were sought by developers to develop buildings they may employ concepts like "Castle gate" theory e.g. tilting the main door at an angle etc... Here, by doing so, they do not aim poison arrows at other buildings.
16. Things like have sharp edges shooting out of a building towards other buildings or even use reflective glass; are often considered as sha qi or poison arrows to the neighbouring building.
17. If one happens to visit Hong Kong. Do try to have a view of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC) Building. One can see the shape or profile of two "cannon" like objects on the roof-top of HSBC building aimed at Bank of China building.
18. This is an example of `black' Feng Shui. Where, you are pointing two cannons to the Bank of China BOC building. However, this is a long story as, BOC is also a building that uses "Black" Feng Shui - and perhaps: to excuse each other; HSBC can say that they are merely acting in SELF-DEFENCE?
19. If you do visit Hong Kong, do look at these two buildings:(
20. Anyway, as I had mentioned in the past, an excellent home does not only have favourable Feng Shui; but rather, it also `sucks' wealth from other building. Thus, it becomes an excellent home. If one has the money, and has a keen eye; one can have the means to buy such a home. And, can say that it is no robbery, if e.g. a row of houses are aligned, and `flowing' towards (gradient) your main door. Here, one can simply sit and collect `free' FOC (free of charge) wealth at the expense of others.
21. It is like playing stocks and shares. Someone will gain while another will lose out.
Warmest Regards,

On 9/26/2003 11:00:45 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for such an
informative site.It helps to
get facts cleared about
I hope my question regarding
fengshui is also answered.
When analysing house using
flying star theory should one
consider the flying stars of
exterior of the house & flying
stars of the building, as
during such times as
renovation in the
building,difficulty is
encountered by residents. In
such a case what has to be
done & how, since correcting
fengshui of the building is
nearly impossible due to lack
of interest in it, by some.
Will correcting the exterior
of the house in such cases be
thank you in advance

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned:
1. The key success factor is always: Location, location, location, location and location.
2. Here, it suggests the "Big picture" more towards Macro Feng Shui i.e. the External environment, the Site, the Building. This is akin to top jobs such as CEO, CFO, Senior Management positions.
3. Often, when we zoom into a unit or apartment; this is like the troops: and can range from the equivalent of middle management positions to clerical.
4. If one has been in the army, the site, building befits positions like Generals, Colonels, Majors.
5. While the unit or apartment is similar to non commissioned officers ranging from Lance-corporals, corporals, sergeants. Hopefully, our home should not be equated to a "RECRUIT". If so, this is very bad. Should try to sell it off or "if it cannot be sold" give away free. (Perhaps, this is wishful thinking.. give free, also, no one wants - i.e. entrapped house).
6. I often mentioned, the external is very important. It is no use; making the interior or the four walls within a home like a palace but if all else outside this four walls are crumbling.
7. Often, for the interior of the home, we can only try to harmonise the home to our Ba zi as well as good placement and good qi flow (air flow).
8. And most of the enhancements or neutralisation done within a home has more to do with "Elastoplast" Feng Shui i.e. fixing problems rather than going for the big picture.
9. Seriously, if we have excellent external shapes and forms, often, we do not even need to look at Feng Shui of our interior. Many people have succeded without even the idea or notion of what Feng Shui is about.
10. The maxim goes " Fools (false gold or products touted as Feng Shui enhancements) and their money are often departed ".
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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