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doors in line


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Respected Sir,
Thank you for such an informative site.What is the correct solution to solve the bad effect of 2 doors in a line at only a distance of 3 feet from each other & in the centre area of the house, if using any sliding door or screen is not possible.Please reply.
Thank you
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Dear Annoja,
In fact, in my opinion, it is best to leave it clear space given that the doors are close to the centrepoint or centre area of a home.
This is to allow for air /qi to circulate within rooms.
This is ok so long as one cannot see a direct path e.g. from the window area of a room, thru this two doors and to the back or another set of windows.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/12/2004 5:30:57 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Respected Sir,
Thank you for such an
informative site.What is the
correct solution to solve the
bad effect of 2 doors in a
line at only a distance of 3
feet from each other & in the
centre area of the house, if
using any sliding door or
screen is not possible.Please
Thank you

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Respected Sir,
Thank you for the prompt reply.I wanted to confirm that actually in line with these 2 doors one can see another door that opens to the balcony but this door is always kept closed.any other suggestion from your part will be appreciated.Thank you again for the forum which has reduced the worry about the 2004.I have gained quite some knowledge through this forum & can to some extent decide about the cures for the yearly stars.Hats off to the work done by you.
thank you
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