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Dear Anon,
Without the exact ba zi, it is difficult to determine this.
However, this has more to do with the fortune telling or astrology.
Often in ba zi, there is often a clash in the "House of Life" and Four main pillars : Year, Month, Day and Hour.
The ba zi chart, youth, middle age etc..often in the very inauspicious.
In ba zi, for example, a 10 year period can be classified as:
auspicious wealth
inauspicious wealth
Often, such bad news would occur under the last category: inauspicious wealth
However, frankly it is best not to know all these since there is an element of " self-fulfilling prophecy" or "auto suggestion in it".
Warmest Regards,

On 2/12/2004 5:31:32 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I was recently given a reading
by a chinese astrologer who
told me that my birthday which
is on the 18th of the lunar
calender year indicated that I
might become a widow if I do
get married. May I know what
to make of this and is there
anything that I can do about

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you very much for your reply!;)

On 2/12/2004 5:31:32 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I was recently given a reading
by a chinese astrologer who
told me that my birthday which
is on the 18th of the lunar
calender year indicated that I
might become a widow if I do
get married. May I know what
to make of this and is there
anything that I can do about

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