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Horse and Artificial flowers


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Dear Chung Mi,

1. In the past, I have mentioned about the idea of mirrors in the bedroom and the concept of: "How sensitive (thicked-skinned) are each of us?"

2. The "mirror" example:

2.1 Many of us have different tolerance levels. Often, we do hear of many persons who can literally sleep with lots of mirrors in their bedroom e.g. on the entire cupboards etc... And, these people, can really sleep "like a pig!".

2.3 But, we hear of the fantasy story ofa princess, who despite placing a single needle under her mattress, and stacking up many mattress, she can "feel" the needle.

2.4 So how sensitive are you?

2.5 Unfortunately, nowadays, our sensitivity (I suspect) has to do with also reading too much - books and thinking of suchnegative thoughts.

2.6 Often, the offending "article" is that when we sleep, it is said that our spirit wanders out of our body, sees itself "gets" a shock!.

2.7 But, I have also mentioned, that, what if our spirit, wants to see itself, combs hair to look nice before, going off....

2.8. So, just because of such advice, do we give up our TV set in our bedroom? Yes/No?

3. We are on this earth for a short time e.g. 60 or more years, so, if in the past, if we have a tv set, to enjoy in our bedroom, why not continue to do so? So far, we have not read in the newspapers "A places a tv set in his/her bedroom and .. something bad happened?".

4. Likewise, for the artificial flowers, or the horse, if it makes one "happy", why not keep it in the bedroom - especially if one does sleep well or ok with them in the room.

5. We should take control of our life, unless, there is some valid reason that affects most of us most of the time. Otherwise, anything else is "fair game".

Warmest Regards,

On 4/28/2004 7:10:31 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Can I keep Horse statue and

Artificial flowers in my


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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