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Baqua Placement


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I have a house that sits North and faces South. We have a small porch that is in the middle of the wall facing South. This porch goes back 5 feet and then another wall runs from there to the East. In other words we have an Indent. Do you place the Baqua on the South wall or do you place it so it faces the door? Thank You. Bob

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Hi Bob,
1. There are two views regarding the porch:
- It should not be included with the house.
- Some other practioners are unclear as to include it or not and `play' safe by including it as part of the home.
2. In my opinion, you should not include the porch to the house. If you do not include it as part of the house and find that there is no longer an indent, then it is fine.
3. Frankly, so far there are few practioners who uses such a technique i.e. placing a Ba Gua at the indent to offset the missing corner.
In my opinion, it is ineffective to use a Ba Gua mirror to offset the indent i.e. it will not work.
One way to offset the indent is through landscaping if this is possible to " re-create " the missing profile. I have covered some other methods (thou) limited for such situations in this forum.
Warmest Regards,

On 7/31/99 8:53:52 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I have a house that sits North
and faces South. We have a
small porch that is in the
middle of the wall facing
South. This porch goes back 5
feet and then another wall
runs from there to the East.
In other words we have an
Indent. Do you place the
Baqua on the South wall or do
you place it so it faces the
door? Thank You. Bob

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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