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How to position the bagua


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How can I figure out how to position the bagua in my home. One book says to start at the front door with the lower part of the bagua. This is the career/journey area. Another book says to use the directions, which in my case is east. The difference between the two changes my relationship/wealth areas. Im confused, HELP
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Dear Anon,

Frankly, traditional Schools of Feng Shui specifically use two major schools:

1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui

2. Compass School: The Eight House (Ba Cai) or The Flying Star Feng Shui

Thus fixed template "Feng Shui" or adapting the Eight Aspirations or Life Aspriations concept of the Eight Trigrams is common today. Although it looks very easy to apply, it is considered too general by Traditional Schools of Geomancy or Feng Shui.

In addition to the above, the Ba Zi or Pillars of Destiny of individuals are also used by Authentic Traditional Schools.

It all boils down to another major concept: known as "The lowest common denominator or LCM" or everything revolves around the Five Elements concept.

The Five elements concept is thus like a gel that holds all the major theories of authentic traditional Feng Shui together.

If you really want to apply proper Feng Shui, it is best not to use the "fixed template" model of e.g. Career = North; Romance = SW etc....

Warmest Regards,

On 12/21/2004 9:01:36 PM, Anonymous wrote:

How can I figure out how to

position the bagua in my

home. One book says to

start at the front door with

the lower part of the

bagua. This is the

career/journey area.

Another book says to use the

directions, which in my case

is east. The difference

between the two changes my


areas. Im confused, HELP

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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