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Hanging shirts and pants behind the door


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Dear Master Cecil,

Is it auspicious to have clothes hanger being fixed right behind the door? I've seen quite a lot of people hanging their shirts, pants...etc behind the door of their bedroom. Will there be any feng shui issue for the "good chi" to flow in and out of the bedroom?

Please advice. Thanks alot in advance.

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Dear Anon,

1. Feng Shui has many dimensions: The Environment, the Site and the Interior of the home.

2. Thus all the above three factors have an influence on one's Feng Shui.

3. In my opinion, frankly, there is no issue with the airing of shirts and pants especially if they are not that dirty. As you had mentioned, this is widely practised in the real world.

4. As all of us do not live in a text-book environment, so long as a room is reasonably maintained; I personally find this is not an issue.

5. We can draw a parallel to many of us having read some Feng Shui books that it is considered inauspicious to place aTV set facing our bed. The argument here is that when one sleeps, it was felt that one's spirit roams out of our body, see's it's image on the surface of the tv screen -- the spirit is suppose to get a shock!

6. But, what happens if this same spirit is an extrovert spirit who, before -- starting to roam, wants to view their face, comb their hair before going off!

7. Nowadays, many new tv sets have very low reflection. For example, try to see one's face in a matt-black led monitor screen such as an IBM PC. One could hardly see one's image in it.

8. The other issue is about tolerance level. Some of us can eat red-hot chillies. But some of us cannot or dare not even sample some chilli. Some of us can sleep comfortably with a room surrounded by mirrors while others cannot. Some of us can endure more stress than others. Some persons also strive on stress. While others cannot.

9. We are on this earth for a relatively short period and we should enjoy our environment and live reasonably comfortable without the added inconvenience of having to do this also cannot, do that also cannot. Then, we are a slave to our environment.

Warmest Regards,

On 2/13/2005 8:27:54 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Cecil,

Is it auspicious to have

clothes hanger being fixed

right behind the door? I've

seen quite a lot of people

hanging their shirts,

pants...etc behind the door of

their bedroom. Will there be

any feng shui issue for the

"good chi" to flow in and out

of the bedroom?

Please advice. Thanks alot in


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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No wonder, Feng Shui suffers from a bad reputation, today

Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui.
But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui.

Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one:



Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why.

Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES!

On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client


P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away!

FAKE (3).png



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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