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Dear Poh Yen Ong,

Poh Yen Ong wrote:
If my partner and I belong to different categories, does it mean we are not compatible?

Poh Yen Ong wrote:
E.g I am a "west" person and my partner is "east". How true is it for chinese zodiac compatibility?

No, the different eight house type of person does not mean that the two person are incompatible. It just means that each person has a different direction or facig that brings him or her luck.

Poh Yen Ong wrote:
Is there anyway to counter it?

Usually, when the facing direction is different, the only issue will be it will be harder to find a house that fit both person. However, this can easily be resolved by applying the give and take concept. ie when you are looking for a home for example, the breadwinner will have to be given the best facing direction, while the spouse will get a better bedroom to compensate.

To really assess incompatibility, we need to check the copatibility of the horoscope signs (ie tiger vs monkey may not be that compatible pair). One will also need to check the ba zi element compatibility. As well as analysing two ba zi chart to see if there are any clashes/harm. These three different checks will give a better assessment on the compatibility between the two person.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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