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Dear Sherry,

Sherry Shao-To wrote:
Is it okay to put a clock in the middle of the backwall of my store facing out of my front door? It's also above my restroom and storage room doors. Thank you,

Usually, the reason behind the inauspicious meaning of the clock is that. Clock in chinese is pronounced as 'Zhong'. The act of giving a clock is called song-zhong, which also sounds similiar to another phrase representing sending off the dead. That is why clock has this kind of meaning.

So ideally it is also inauspicious, where there is a clock that faces your home from across your home, or where you see it when you enter into your home. Clock that is placed just above a corridor walk way or above a door are also not ideal, as if the clock isn't hung securely, then there is a possibility of it dropping and hitting someone.

The best place to place is on the side of the wall where it faces another wall and not a window or above door/corridor entrance.

If based on the information provided so far, it may not be the most ideal if your clock faces the front door, and if it is hung just above the entrance tothe restroom/storage room door.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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