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Grouping three Tall thin trees together


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hello, I planted three tall thin trees together in a grouping, however I was told this was bad luck as typically incense is burned in groups of three for morning. thus the three trees symbolize the sticks of incense and therefore death.

Is this correct?? I have seen groupings of three like this before as landscapers typically recommend this type of groupings.

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Dear Tialen K,

tialen k wrote:
hello, I planted three tall thin trees together in a grouping, however I was told this was bad luck as typically incense is burned in groups of three for morning. thus the three trees symbolize the sticks of incense and therefore death.

tialen k wrote:
Is this correct?? I have seen groupings of three like this before as landscapers typically recommend this type of groupings.

Yes, when we pray using joss stick, we normally use 3 joss stick. So, if you plants 3 thin plants, it is likely to resemble this 3 joss stick. So it is not so auspicious in general.

How bad, really depends on how much far the 3 plants placed and how it looks from within the house. If it looks similiar to the 3 joss stick, then it is bad. If it does not, then it should be ok.

Either you add more so that it does not look so obvious or. At least add more supporting plants/bushes so that it looks more like a garden landscape rather than just 3 individual tall thin threes.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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