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staying near the sea


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Dear John,

john lee wrote:
What's your advice for residences near the sea. For eg, Jalan Loyang Besar (across Pasir Ris Park)? Fengshui wise and 'common sense' viewpoint in light of a possible big quake/tsunami? Thanks

Generally, under feng shui four symoblic animal concept. A house is always good to have water or clear space at the frontage. While the back of the house should be supported by a mountain.

So if you do not consider any other factors (such as flying star, or house facing suitability etc). Then any house that you can have water frontage is always deemed a good choice.

However, as you mentioned, recently the problem of a sea frontage is possibility of natural disasters. Given that it is hard to predict when natural disaster will happen. So if you want to avoid earthquakes, then choose a non-reclaimed land or land where thesoil is much harder. Or if you want to avoid tsunami, then avoid sea front property that isn't sheltered by islands or anything that can act as a barrier between the open seas and your property. Or simply ensure that there arediasasterprevention to minimise it.

If you considered all the factors, then a sea front property isn't all an issue.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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