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Car numbers


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I am born in year 1974 andba-zi pillar asa Weak Water element male. The favourable elements for me are Metal & Water.

Recently I buy a new car with 9984 as the number plate and White as the car colour. Just want to enquire is this set of numbers and car colour both favourable for me?


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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Recently I buy a new car with 9984 as the number plate and White as the car colour. Just want to enquire is this set of numbers and car colour both favourable for me?

White colour is normally defined as Metal element. As a weak waer person, metalis a favourable colour for you.

As for the car number question, there isn't a feng shui analysis for car number. Under feng shui, normally two methods are used:-

1.While there are numerous way to determine how auspicious a number. For example, most will go by sounding of the number 9984 (jiu jiu fa si - longevity longevity prosperty death). Theother numbers all would be ok except for maybe the 4 which sounds like death in cantonese.

2. Others is to determine whether this si an auspicious gua number or not.


ie 9984 = 9+9+8+4 = 30 = 3+0 = 3

If your gua is 3, then this is considered a favourable number for you.

Of course there are probably other methods. So really depends on how you assess the number.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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