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Cai is one of my name - how 2 generate wealth?


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Dear Sir

I heard from my friend that since i have a Chye, 'cai ', in my name, i should display the word 'cai ' at home. I was told that the 'cai' is to be placed upside down, paste on the wall. Then put a vaseor container with some coins inside and place iton the floor under the 'cai '. This will help to generate wealth for me? Is it true? Please advise me on my wealth location. Thanks.

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
I heard from my friend that since i have a Chye, 'cai ', in my name, i should display the word 'cai ' at home. I was told that the 'cai' is to be placed upside down, paste on the wall. Then put a vaseor container with some coins inside and place iton the floor under the 'cai '. This will help to generate wealth for me? Is it true? Please advise me on my wealth location. Thanks.

Frankly, this isn't correct. Whatever meaning your name has, can't be activated by placing something in your home. The meaning in your name is only so call 'activated' when people call your name. It is not activated by any other means.

That is why when most people choose names, they want to have certain meaning so that when people call it, it is like blessing that person with the meaning. So the more people call you by your name, the more luck you get from that name. There is really no other ways to activate it.

In terms of feng shui luck, a person's luck is influenced by 3 factors:-

1. Heaven Luck - Luck that you are supposed to be born with.

2. Earth Luck - Luck from your home and surrounding environment.

3. Human Luck - Luck from your relationship with other people and your own hard work.

These are the ways a person luck is affected. There is really nothing about luck that is activated by your existing name. Of course, if you have cai in your name, the more people call you more wealth you are blessed with. That is about all. The rest depends on the luck of your home etc.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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