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bathroom location


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Dear Anon,

Frankly, the hardest room to move-if any is a bathroom because of it's fixtures/sewerage piping etc... Thus, many of us have to "live" with it.

In general, there are two "COMMONSENSE" approach in the name of Feng Shui:

1. If our bathroom door is fronting the stairs.. the best alternative of not seeing the toilet while moving up and down is simply to close the door.

2. Whenever we flush to toilet, especially the toilet bowl, the water coming from the toilet bowl area usually "flys" out. This is why we often here that toilet is not clean or dirty. Ordinarily, many of us are healthy individuals and a bit "dirt" does not kill us!

For example, in a toilet, anywhere, we place our toothbrush, and when we flush out toilet bowl, some germs would be deposited on it. Again, many of us are healthy human beings and thus a litte germ is acceptable!

The "scary" thing was one day.. while driving this "joker" advertise to buy his "disinfection" tablet to disinfect our toothbrush! Here, next time for Singaporean say going to places like Thailand or Malaysia and patronise road side vendors may not be say tolerant to unclean food etc... no immunity...

Warmest Regards,

Anonymous wrote:
my bathroom door is fronting the stairs, what does this imply?what can i do with this?thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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