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Placement of Buddha Statue


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Hi Master,

As the main door of my house is facing directly to my balcony, I would like to place wooden strips (with tiny openings) to block the "leak" . However, the strips will be blocking my buddha's view towards the main door. Is this ok? Can there be any blockage in between my buddha to the main door?

By the way, is it alsook to have a frosted glass panelindirectly facingthe buddha?

Appreciate your kind advice.



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Dear Anon,

1. Firstly, is there any other better alternatives then to place bamboo strips? For example, if it is a window, so long as you have closed the window or it is part of the balcony the balcony glass is on the side facing the main door such that qi cannot flow out directly.

2. If the above alternative is used, then no need to consider bamboo strips.

3. If you still have to use bamboo strips, then the "test" is so long as we humans can "see thru" the bamboo strips to our main door; then equally, it is fine to place it at the location mentioned.

4. As for the frosted glass so long as it is not reflective (like a mirror) it would be acceptable especially if it is sandblasted or "matt finish". However, if it is shiny then best not to have it if you can.

Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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