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Flying Star & Religion


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Dear FS Master,

Does applying flying star fengshui has a link to religion as some FS Master do look into consideration. For example I came across that they place the alter at the mountain star 8 sector to represent big earth. Is it true that it has impact.

Appreciate some advice here.

Thank you

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Dear Anon,

In a real world situation, lets be practical: in a human situation, there are two main parties involved: the Feng Shui practitioner and their clients.

Thus, there will always be different situations: where a Feng Shui practitioner may either practise Feng Shui WITHOUT religion especially if the practitioner is a free-thinker or in the west, some practitioners some how or other may be e.g. a born Catholic or a taoist etc...

Even if the practitioner is non "religious" but like you had mentioned, the client has a religion, a good Feng Shui practitioner has to provide advise to both non and religious clients. Especially if the clients "insists" or have an altar.

Thus, we really live in a real world situation. If say the practitioner perhaps is non-religious or even if he is religious but does not mix the too, somehow.. the practitioner cannot simply tell the client : Hey! stop! No altar please!

Does not make sense, here. The practitioner "earns his" pay from the client and not vice-versa!

Logically, a "mountain" in a home is usually a "solid" wall or some good backing. So sensibly, thus the best locations for an altar is at a "mountain" location! and usually this mountain position may face a "water" position i.e. clear space - not literally actual water!

Therefore, thru logic, especially for many older layouts of the HDB apartment units, many of the centrepoint is usually:
1. close to the centrepoint of the home;
2. this location directly faces the living room window

And this location is one of the "cleanest" location in a small HDB apartment. Where it is taboo to place the altar with it's back to a toilet andalso it is not good to face the bedrooms.

Therefore,if one analyse the above closely, one can understand,logically as what you had mentioned: "For example I came across that they place the alter at the mountain star 8 sector to represent big earth. Is it true that it has impact."

After what I had mentioned, above, please draw your own conclusions, here.

Warmest Regards,


Dear FS Master,

Does applying flying star fengshui has a link to religion as some FS Master do look into consideration. For example I came across that they place the alter at the mountain star 8 sector to represent big earth. Is it true that it has impact.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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